Hearing this, Su Mian bent down and grabbed a handful of loess from the ground, letting the loess flow down slowly.

The wind blows and the loess is flying.

"The wind direction at 10 o'clock, the wind speed is 6 meters per second, look at the branches on the top of the mountain, the wind speed is at least 12 meters per second, and the wind speed and direction are very unfavorable for sniping."

"What should we do then? We don't have much time, and Commander Xia can't last long." Gu Qingguo asked.

The other special forces were dumbfounded when they heard the wind speed and direction measured by Su Mian.

Those present are experts.

Wind is divided into three categories according to the hour.

One type is called zero wind speed, which has almost no effect. The 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock directions fall into this category.

One is half wind speed, that is, the wind direction will have a certain influence on the sniper, 1, 5, 9, 11 four o'clock directions.

The last category is full wind speed, that is, the force of the wind has the greatest influence. 2, 3, 4 and 8, 9, 10 belong to this category.

Taking Su Mian's current position as the center of the circle, the sniper will face Su Mian in the 10 o'clock direction, which is the full wind speed that has the greatest impact.

1500 meters, full wind speed influence, wind speed 12 meters per second.

All the special forces opened their mouths into an O shape.

"1500 meters, almost twice the range, is this possible?"

"I can go around to six o'clock, why do I have to snipe here?"

"You are stupid, if this is not the best sniper angle, can the commander take us here? There is no cover in other places. You will get a headshot before you shoot!"

"The angle can't be changed, can you get closer in the distance?"

"Nonsense, go further into the mountain, there are all trees, who are you going to snipe?"

Everyone talked about it, and they were really telling the truth.

Su Mian is now facing a situation where the angle cannot be changed and the distance cannot be approached.

"How sure are you?" Wei Zhenhui asked.

"50%!" Su Mian took a deep breath. If she can't hit, Luo Fang will be the first to get involved!

Wei Zhenhui walked to Su Mian, "Daughter-in-law, I believe you, get ready!"


Su Mian and Luo Fang walked towards the edge of the forest with their guns.

Just now, the group of soldiers who said that the teacher was carrying out the task and taking the daughter-in-law to sprinkle dog food immediately closed their mouths.

The teacher is taking the daughter-in-law to sprinkle dog food, obviously it is to let the daughter-in-law die!

Who said no?

Some special forces have already wiped their tears, and the commander doesn't cherish his daughter-in-law too much!

How can it be?

Lieutenant Su and Lieutenant Luo are both sharpshooters. With them, the commander will definitely not let us go!

I felt ashamed for the first time, as a man, at a critical moment, actually let two women walk in front of us!

Gu Qingguo turned his head and glanced at Wei Zhenhui. The man's cold temperament has not changed since he got out of the car.

Maybe he had expected this to be a tough battle, and he called his wife!

In case of failure, this heart will be much...

Gu Qingguo didn't dare to think further.

The first battalion commander and the second battalion commander also put away their funny expressions, looking at the direction of Su Mian and Luo Fang with a serious face.

The teacher is too ruthless.

He really thought that the teacher would sprinkle dog food to abuse them both?

Everyone hid in the woods, watching Su Mian and Luo Fang who were crawling beside them closely.

After the two found the best position, Luo Fang crouched in front and observed with a rangefinder, "The target is 1465 meters, and the wind speed is 11 meters per second!"

"Okay!" Su Mian put the gun on Luo Fang's shoulder, holding his breath, aiming, and adjusting.


Su Mian pulled the trigger.

Everyone looked towards the top of the mountain.

Only Wei Zhenhui looked at Su Mian.

Even if he lived for two lives, there was no way to remain indifferent with Su Mian.

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