When Su Mian and Luo Fang got off the car, they were warmly welcomed by all the special forces.

"Welcome to the two heroes, let's simply hold a symposium, let the two heroes speak a few words to everyone!" Wu Feng deserves to be engaged in ideological work, and the discussion room has been set up before people arrive.

The mouse rushed over directly. If he wasn't for a **** man, Su Mian suspected that the kid would have to come up and hug them.

The mouse stretched out his arm and pulled everyone else aside, "Lieutenant Su, Lieutenant Luo, you two are not right, do you have any sniper tricks!"

Rats have a particular opinion. The same sniper mission is just because Su Mian is the number one sniper, not to mention occupying a favorable position, but also attracts the attention of the opponent's snipers.

If old A confronts him with Yan Yan, maybe he can be killed!

Therefore, the mouse has been holding back this energy for the past few days!

Yan Yan held his shoulders and dismantled the stage directly, "Just because of your hairy energy, you can't live in front of Old A for three seconds!"


Yan Yan usually doesn't laugh at all, and when he talks about jokes, he has a chill.

"I don't care, Su Mian and Luo Fang have to say one, two or three today, or I won't accept it!"

"We are also not convinced!" Liu Zi waited and squeezed to the front of the crowd.

The Special Forces of the Northern Military Region made such a great contribution for the first time on mission, and the Southern Military Region expressed dissatisfaction.

"That is, if our Cheetah Special Team goes, we might be able to kill Old A too!" Meng Feiming knew that his words made people laugh, but he still had to say it.

I have already lost technically, but I can't lose in momentum.

Jing Feihong didn't say a word, his eyes kept spinning around Su Mian and Luo Fang.

He just didn't expect that Feiying would capture old A the first time he went out.

Jing Feihong is different from others.

He is well educated and has been interested in snipers a long time ago.

This old A, he had heard of his name a long time ago, and even regarded him as an idol for a time.

Although this man is wanted by Interpol, his sniper skills are also sought after by snipers from all over the world.

Therefore, such an idol died in the hands of Su Mian and Luo Fang, and Jing Feihong now truly admires them both.

He didn't think that Old A was killed by anyone, otherwise, he would not have been active in the killer world for so many years and could not stand tall.

Thinking of this, Jing Feihong glanced directly at Liu Zi and Meng Fei, "You two will die if you meet old A!"


The special forces of the Southern Military Region are all dumbfounded.

Captain Jing didn't give them face too much. It's such a thing, but there is no need to speak in front of outsiders.

Don't mention a few people wronged.

"Why, I'm not right?" Jing Feihong didn't even lift his eyelids. "If your strength is not as good as others, you should practice well, maybe you can catch up!"


"Suddenly I feel that the captain is a little bit cold. Why is this irritated?"

"Wipe, it must have been stimulated by Su Mian and Luo Fang, you think, people killed old A, now they are all lieutenants!"

"Cut, the captain is not such a stingy person. If you want me to say, the captain is really convinced by Su Mian and Luo Fang's sniper skills!"

Yes, in the Southern Military Region, who did Jing Feihong serve?

The young man wanted to talk about him.

After arriving in the special team, Jing Feihong became silent.

Some people say that silence is a must for men, which shows that you have grown up!

Liu Zi didn't know why, suddenly such a sentence popped in his mind. Just about to tell Meng Fei quietly, seeing Wu Feng's sharp gaze, he swallowed it again.

"What are you doing standing stupidly? The symposium has three minutes to start, and I'm late to stack the quilt for an hour!"

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