Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2134: Su Mian's talent

Su Mian cursed in his heart, Xu Haowen deserves to be Xu Fox!

"I mean, the special forces team members should have the ability to analyze intelligence and can make judgments at critical moments!"

Hehe, Su Mian would not be so stupid to say it, and she can ignore the command at the critical moment, although she really wants to say it.

Xu Haowen's good-looking fox narrowed his eyes and looked at the female soldier with flying brows.

Who said that Su Mian was honestly speaking, stepping on the edge of the trap everywhere.

He, the captain, couldn't answer the conversation.

Jing Liangping was here, so how could he not understand Su Mian's point.

Suddenly he burst into laughter, "It's all Xu Haowen, Xu Fox, Su Mian, I think you are more cunning than Xu Fox. However, what you said makes sense. We will invite you to the intelligence analysis and judgment course next month. People come to give lectures. I have already chosen someone in my heart. This person has been engaged in espionage work for many years, and he has been in the enemy's interior many times to obtain intelligence. He is a very good intelligence agent."

After Jing Liangping finished speaking, let's fry the pan directly.

"Who? So awesome?"

"I look forward to it!"

"Who, I have to learn this carefully. Marksmanship is not as good as Lieutenant Su, so I can only make up for it from the side!"


The discussion came one after another, Jing Liangping waved his hand, and everyone's discussion stopped.

"You'll know when the person arrives. I don't have any sense of expectation anymore after I say it. Su Mian, you continue to say, didn't you say there is a little more?"

"Yes! Another point is to strengthen confrontation drills, confrontation with masters, especially confrontation drills between snipers, which is very important!"

Xu Haowen nodded, then looked at Jing Liangping, and whispered, "Commander Jing, I can't tell, Su Mian has the potential to be an instructor in the future!"

Wu Feng smiled, "Why, you won't see her abnormal temperament too!"

"In this regard, instructor Wu has a stronger temperament!"

Jing Liangping knew the two of them. They ran on each other when nothing happened. He couldn't help teasing, "You two are the same. The crow is standing on top of the pig. Don’t say anyone is black. Xu Haowen’s suggestion is good, and Su Mian can indeed fight. It can be said that you can still extract the essence, you two should cultivate it, and don’t feed me crookedly."

"Yes!" the two said in unison.

But Jing Liangping felt a pity in his heart.

The ten marshals who founded the country now have successors in each family.

Although the Jing family has Jing Feihong, Jing Feihong is far behind the others.

When Jiang Yi was in the Jiang family before, he was complacent, and this was nothing more than three generations of the Jiang family. The strong return of the big devil made the other companies willing to bow down.

The Xu family has Xu Haowen, and the Luo family has Luo Cheng.

The Huo family has Huo Jingrun.

But the Jing family, he really hopes that Su Mian and Su Jinlong can have something to do with the Jing family, and can make up for the weakness of the Jing family.

These two kids are so talented!

Much better than Jing Feihong and Jing Xin'er.

Jing Liangping sighed in his heart, but it was also a matter of calcium carbide sparks.

"Exercise needs to be carried out. From now on we will practice every Monday, Instructor Wu, tomorrow you will go to the Western Military Region to invite someone to accompany our special forces to play!"


As soon as Jing Liangping said this, the mouths of the people underneath were so open that they could fit an egg.

Wu Feng smiled, "Commander, Master Wei is so busy, you have heard about Xia Zhixing, now they can spare someone to accompany us to play?"

Jing Liangping directly threw the pen in his hand on the table, "Xia Zhixing is in the hospital and will not be able to get out within ten and a half months. You can go to Wei Zhenhui and borrow 30 special soldiers to play with us for two days!"

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