Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2142: Beheading operation begins

On the second day, at five o'clock in the morning, all the special forces team members assembled.

Everyone had their necks pulled out long, and they didn't see the Great Demon King and his soldiers.

"What's the matter, the big devil won't participate in the drill?"

"I just said, the big devil is now a teacher, how can there be that time to play with us!"

"Hey, Bai was happy all night, so what are we doing now when we gather?"

In the distance, Jing Liangping led Xu Haowen and Wu Feng over.

Last night, Xu Haowen’s confession of rejection had been spread in the special forces. After all, the special forces were so big, with a total of only 48 soldiers.

And these soldiers have one of the biggest problems, they all love gossip!

When everyone saw Xu Haowen, they were all hesitant to speak.

Some sympathize with the poor, and some are aggrieved for him.

Jing Liangping didn't know what was going on, so he saw that Xu Haowen's eyes didn't look right from the people of the special forces team today.

But he didn't have time to ask about this, because the next confrontation between the Red Army and the Blue Army started immediately.

In addition to daily equipment, Wu Feng sent a map and Red Army missions to everyone.

Everyone couldn't wait to open the task book and was dumbfounded after reading it.

"What the hell? Complete the beheading in 48 hours!"

"Let me wipe it, look at this map, it's a range of hundreds of kilometers."

"The problem is that there are 48 of us. What we are going to fight against is a group of about 1,000 people under the 61st Division!"

"This is the plan that the Great Demon King and Captain Xu have studied for a day, and it really is... abnormal!"

Jing Liangping cleared his throat.

"Comrades, I believe that you will be able to complete this mission. You are special forces, fearless, and there is no mission impossible! This exercise is the result of a whole day and one night planned by the Great Demon King and your Captain Xu. I hope you cherish this opportunity to practice, win glory for the special forces, and complete this beheading operation!"

"Yes, promise to complete the task!"

48 people set off with Yan Yan as the captain and Jing Feihong as the deputy captain.

According to the rules of the exercise, one kilometer outside the camp is within the control of the Blue Army.

The mission of the Red Army in this exercise is to find the position of the Blue Army headquarters and complete the beheading.

48 special forces team members directly choose the mountain road and enter the woods.

Command room of the Western Military Region.

Wei Zhenhui was staring at the sand table on the table, and several regiment leaders were working nearby.

"Teacher, you look like you are facing a big enemy. Are you still worried that a group of recruits won't be able to kill the command post?"

"That is, even if they are special forces, there are only 48 of them, and we have a thousand troops to search the periphery."

"Master, are you a bit too nervous? This action, the special forces have no chance of winning at all!"

Wei Zhenhui moved his gaze away from the sand table and swept past several group leaders one by one.

These commanders were all descended from the southern battle, and they were all older than Wei Zhenhui. Although it was no better than Xia Zhixing's stabbing head, he didn't quite understand modern individual combat.

After Wei Zhenhui arrived in the 61st Division, he had to take care of the faces of several people and change their views subtly.

"Commander Gu, this time I used your people. Don't underestimate the 48 members of the special forces. They are all elites selected from various military districts. Coupled with Xu Shensuan's abnormal training, their current personal abilities should not be underestimated! "

Wei Zhenhui went to the special forces team this time. Although he didn't see them drills with his own eyes, he could see from the window of the conference room that the physical fitness of the special forces team members was much better than before.

Gu Qingguo smiled, he felt a little overkill, but he was still willing to listen to Wei Zhenhui's command, so he asked, "Master, please give instructions."

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