Yan Yan took out the map again, and they passed through the woods all the way, and now they were only 100 kilometers away from the headquarters.

But 100 kilometers is not easy to walk, they have encountered four groups of blue snipers just now.

"We are now discussing the countermeasures. Walking the woods is the closest to the headquarters, but they definitely have more ambushes. There are only eight of us who can't head-on. Let's think of other ways."

"What is this position?" Luo Fang pointed to the left side of the headquarters.

"It's their tank battalion!"

Su Mian suddenly had an idea, "Since we can't directly approach the headquarters, we can detour the tank battalion and destroy their headquarters with tanks!"

The mouse touched the back of his head, "Can this work? We have learned how to drive tanks, but will it be a bit big!"

Lu Chun slapped the back of his head and slapped him, "This is what we call a big game. The big devil made 1,000 soldiers to encircle and suppress us, what did we say?"

"Yes!" The mouse stopped talking.

"But to the tank camp, but the nearest road has to go through the swamp, will it be too dangerous?" Xu Shilan pointed to the map, "the swamp is ten kilometers away."

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. The Blues absolutely never expected that we would go to the swamp, and the defense there would be more relaxed!" Cao Wei also agreed to go to the swamp.

"Yes, I don't know how the other groups are? Our group must be everyone's hope, and we will give everyone a surprise!" After Yan Yan finished speaking, he ordered, "rest on the spot, and set off in an hour!"

Blue Command.

Wei Zhenhui frowned tightly.

"What are you talking about? Only 24 people were caught in three teams?"

"Yes, sir, only half of the people. There may be three groups out there. What should we do now?"

"Strengthen the command defense, their goal is me, as long as I am here, they will definitely come!"


"It is better for them to break up into parts. Although they are small in number, they can act flexibly, but they can be encircled and wiped out. After the notification, the two teams will act together."

Jing Liangping and Xu Haowen were sitting next to Wei Zhenhui, with expressions of watching the show.

"Unexpectedly, the 48 special forces team members would make the big devil scorched?" Jing Liangping said teasingly.

"No, the invincible Great Demon has laid a net to catch me. Now half of the time has passed, and half of them are outside. Great Devil, it really can't work. You can add more troops to search, and it will probably break the Guinness by then. The world record!"

Yesterday, Xu Haowen was stimulated by Wei Zhenhui to grow up and confessed to someone for the first time. He couldn't swallow this breath.

Now is a good time to attack him.

Wei Zhenhui twitched his eyebrows.

He irritated Xu Haowen yesterday because he didn't want him to be as lonely as his previous life. Unexpectedly, this kid would bear a grudge!

"Fox, don't be too proud. There is still one day left. Your people have not yet entered my encirclement. You should be anxious now. If they fail to complete the task tomorrow morning, they will lose. If I lose, I will perform a special task for me for a month."

Xu Haowen:...

"No... it's not good, Master!" Gu Qingguo ran in from the outside in a panic, "Master, there is a small team that has passed through the swamp and is heading to our tank battalion!"

"Yes! Commander Jing, Captain Xu, your people really surprised me!" Wei Zhenhui stood up suddenly and reached out his hand, "Immediately plant a minefield here! Stop them from passing, and tell the tank battalion to take precautions. !"

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