When the four of Gu Ziping were arrested, it was already ten o'clock in the night.

The four people tried their best, and hundreds of people jumped up and down tossingly.

"This horse is a special fighter? Are you sure it's not a monkey?"

"If they fight the little devil, the cause of China's liberation will have to be 20 years ahead of schedule!"

"I'm really convinced, what Xu Fox has trained!"

And as soon as the 11 people from Yan Yan got out of the minefield, they were ambushed. The rat and the six were quick to react, and the people were also excited. The black gurgling let these two guys escape.

This time the two are dependent on each other, no one runs on each other, and there is still a discussion about what to do.

"Mouse, there are only two of us now, you can think of a trick, we can't always hide in this hole!"

The six are thinner and slightly taller than the mouse. The two of them squeezed into a hole, but the searchers came and didn't find it.

The mouse was so anxious that he scratched his head and learned to be stern, and took out the map.

"Our goal is to steal tanks, everything else is imaginary. Now we just need to get into the tank battalion!"

When Liu Zi heard what the mouse said, "Okay, I can't tell, you still have some commanding ability."

The mouse gave him a sideways look, "Look at the joke. He has been with Yan Yan for such a long time. He has excellent commanding ability. I have to learn something!"

The six chuckled, poked their heads out, and when they saw that the surrounding searches were all gone, they hurriedly climbed out, "Quickly, hurry up, then what do you think we should do now?"

What to do, cold salad!

"Now we are just two people. It's definitely not possible to force it. We can only outsmart. As for how to outsmart..." The mouse suddenly stopped talking, "Look, there is a transporter coming from a distance, carjacking!"

Without saying anything, the two quickly crawled out of the cave and lay in ambush by the side of the road. When the transporter came, it shot the driver and the co-pilot directly.

"Which unit are you two? What mission do you perform?"

"We are from the 61st Division Transport Team and are sending supplies to the tank battalion!"

"Well, you two stay, let's get in the car!"

"You... how is this? I knew I wouldn't tell you!"

The mouse jumped into the cab, and the two drove to the tank camp.

The blue command room.

"How's the battle going?" Wei Zhenhui rubbed his eyebrows. In less than 6 hours, there were still some fish in the special team.

"Just now I caught two fish in troubled waters at the tank battalion, now there are 5 people short of it!"

"Look at who is less?"

Gu Qingguo coughed twice, "Five female soldiers, Su Mian, Luo Fang, Xu Shilan, Gao Yang, Wu Mengmeng!"

very good!

Jing Liangping slapped his thighs unkindly, "Ah, Master Wei wants to capture his own wife, isn't it very worried! I don't know if it is the great devil or the devil's wife?"

Xu Haowen has a good look, Su Mian is here, he has a bottom!

Wei Zhenhui's sword frowned tightly. Whoever is left is not good, and Su Mian is left.

Su Mian's fighting strength, I am afraid it will not be easy to catch her.

Since she didn't show up in the tank battalion, then after leaving the swamp, Su Mian led a few female soldiers to choose another route!

Wei Zhenhui's eagle-eyed gaze swept around the headquarters, and finally landed on the river course downstream of the reservoir. "Have the river course been carefully searched?"

Gu Guoqiang was taken aback, "Here...it's impossible here. The water is five or six meters deep. Male soldiers dare not go swimming there. How many female soldiers are so bold?"

"I'll just ask you if you searched it?"

Wei Zhenhui has now affirmed that Su Mian came up along the river!

Otherwise, he had already set up the net, how many female soldiers can still fly?

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