Huo Jingrun strode into the barracks, and Jing Liangping led Xu Haowen and Wu Feng to welcome them out.

"Welcome, welcome, Major Huo!"

"Good head!" Huo Jingrun saluted a military salute.

In the canteen, all the special forces who were eating braised pork put down their chopsticks, and in an instant, a crowd of people was crowded at the door.

"Ah, isn't that the undercover man? What is it called?"

"Huo Jingrun, our commander's nephew!"

"Oh oh oh~~~"

Everyone pulled the ending and looked at Xu Shilan.

Xu Shilan lowered her head and ate the buns without speaking.

Luo Fang winked at Su Mian, and several people immediately understood.

"Sister Shilan, Brother Jing Run is here, this time you have to seize the opportunity!"

"Yes, Sister Shilan, since you are all his own anyway, can he still admit it?"

"Sister Shilan, he can enter the wolf den when he arrives in the Special Forces team. When the time comes, the brothers will listen to you when you say something. Tell me, how do you clean up the surname Huo?"

The mouse rolled up his sleeves directly, "The person who stole our goddess Xu's heart and lied to us goddess Xu, now let him see how powerful our special forces are!"

"It's a good thing. Stop it, don't be so bad and pay attention. Huo Jingrun is a major, and you dare to commit the crime?" Xiang Wenxuan reminded in a low voice.

"Then... Then what do you guys say, can't Goddess Xu just let him bully like this?"

After Xu Shilan had eaten the buns, she stood up, picked up her lunch box and walked towards the pool without expression.

Luo Fang glared at the mouse fiercely, "Just you come up with an idea, Sister Shilan must be reluctant to beat Brother Jingrun!"


The mouse blinked aggrievedly, he was wrong again, and he was kind!

"Jing Run, how is the wound? I'll let Su Mian show it to you in a while. This time the situation is really urgent, so I invited you over!"

Jing Liangping patted Huo Jingrun on the shoulder. It was not easy for this nephew to support the entire Huo family by himself for so many years.

For the intelligence work, I have to bear the burden of humiliation, and I have not rarely suffered from other people's eyes for so many years.

"It's getting better." Huo Jingrun didn't want to trouble Su Mian.

"That's good. Class will start in the afternoon. This time, you must train me a few intelligence experts!"

Xu Haowen touched his nose, "Commander, you have to have that kind of talent. It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!"

Huo Jingrun smiled faintly, his lips twitched, "Fox, I heard that you won the big devil this time. Congratulations!"

Compared to the big devil winning, Huo Jingrun certainly hoped that Xu Fox would win.

Xu Haowen said humbly, "It's the commander who has good command, the special forces are strong, and the military quality is high. It has nothing to do with me!"

Huo Jingrun's eyes flashed slightly, and the two men tacitly did not break.

Who is the Great Demon King?

I have never lost in drills and actual combat. I can lose this time. To put it bluntly, it is time for the 61st Division to train!

The entire 61st Division was reorganized from the battlefield, and one by one was defiant after being on the battlefield. Coupled with the thorns of the famous military department, the 61st division has always been a headache for the military.

This is just great.

The exercise in the first two days caused the 61st Division to be ashamed and thrown to the military headquarters.

The old military chiefs clapped and applauded when they heard about it.

"Let the 61st division hang up and let them be sad, how about it, the strength of a regiment has 48 recruits cleaned up!"

"It should have been a long time ago to find someone to frustrate their vigor, lest they be defiant all day long and look like the best in the world!"

"It's good to win, good to win, just to sound the alarm for them, there is no permanent winner in the world!"

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