The next day, before class, the roll call was finished.

Lu Chun offered a military salute, "Report to comrade the squad leader that there should be 48 people in the special forces training course, and 47 people were actually required. A female soldier had a high fever last night and asked for leave today."

Yan Yan nodded and made a record.

At this time, Xu Haowen walked in from the door with long legs.

The wolves of the special forces team suddenly came to their minds.

Rat and Lu Chun understood their hearts and rushed out of their seats, "Team Xu, you also come to the class. We will keep all the seats for you! Go here."

The two of them stood by Xu Haowen and walked to Wu Mengmeng.

It's time for this female soldier to become ill, and to turn around and make her sick for two more days!

Xu Haowen didn't react at first, and when she saw that Wu Mengmeng was struggling next to her, it was already too late.

"Team Xu, don't look at it. The whole room is empty here. Just sit here. We guarantee that no one will grab you!"

"Yeah, Team Xu." Lu Chun said, putting more effort on his arm, and together with Mouse, he pressed Xu Haowen on the chair. "Team Xu, this is Wu Mengmeng next to you, don't you know? Why do you always hide?"


Don't you know? Does the special team have anyone he doesn't know?

Xu Haowen was so crushed by the two stinky boys that he couldn't move.

These two bastards, wait and see how they will be cleaned up in training tomorrow!

The people watching the excitement next to him were laughing and covering their mouths.

"Guess, Captain Xu will confess to Wu Mengmeng again in a while!"

"Captain Xu is not happy on his face, he is happy, after all, this is the female soldier he confessed to be rejected!"

"Then you guys, can Captain Xu sit there and listen to class well?"

"It's gone, Major Huo is here, you are really worried."

Huo Jingrun walked in with the file folder in, and at a glance he saw Xu Haowen sitting with Wu Mengmeng in the first row, suppressing a smile.

What's wrong with Xu Haowen's position?

He gave full marks.

Wu Mengmeng obviously didn't expect Xu Haowen to come, let alone a table with her.

Now she saw Xu Haowen and she was still angry!

It’s great to save people, and you still promise with your body, the beauty of thinking?

Thinking about it this way, I took out a pencil and a ruler and placed a 38-line on the table, "If you dare to cross the boundary, I will fight back powerfully!" Wu Mengmeng warned with staring eyes!

She was so cute that she was staring and looking cute.

Xu Haowen nodded, and said dullly, "Okay!"

Then it suddenly occurred to me that yesterday Wu Mengmeng's little **** twisted and twisted when he climbed over the obstacle of the high wall!

Want to laugh but dare not!

By coincidence, Xu Haowen suddenly choked on himself, coughing for a long time before he was relieved, and almost suffocated him to death.

Wu Mengmeng glanced sideways at him.

I don’t know what tricks Xu Fox is playing to attract her attention, so he leaned in front of him and warned in a low voice, "Don’t play tricks? There are so many people, if I do it, you will not be embarrassed to fight back!"

...! ! !

Xu Haowen twitched the corners of his mouth, and it was really hard for him to fight back.

Especially because of what happened that night, he now has a criminal record.

Even if they didn't do anything to Wu Mengmeng, these brats could make up a truck.

"Good!" Xu Haowen said in a low voice.

The conversation between the two was really heard by the mouse and Lu Chun sitting next to them.

"Wipe, Captain Xu really called Wu Mengmeng to live with Xiong?"

"Fuck, is this still Team Xu? Is this still Xu Fox? I was frightened by Wu Mengmeng with a few words!"

"This is a beauty in the eyes of the lover. Everything she says is right." Lu Chun said with deep understanding.

"Cut, promise!"

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