"Can't go any further, it's already less than two kilometers away from their camp!" Kahn watched the surroundings vigilantly, always feeling that they had entered the surveillance area.

"No, there are still two kinds of medicinal materials. We are returning now without success. If we go back now, isn't it white?" Su Miansha panicked, anyway, it was dark, no one could see whose face.

Enough medicinal materials have been collected long ago.

It's just that the camp of the shadow organization hasn't been investigated yet.


"Don't be but, let's both be careful, as long as you don't get caught by them. It's mainly you, watch the road more, don't make any movement!"


Kahn refused to accept, "I've been running around here all day at the age of seven or eight, and I know where it is when I close my eyes. I can't see the way? Follow me carefully, I'm going to speed up!"

After Kahn said that he really walked forward, and he had forgotten what he wanted to stop Su Mian!

Su Mian shook his head helplessly, she was a child after all!

The two quickly reached a kilometer outside the camp.

Kahn stopped again, "Su Mian, take a closer look around, do you have the herbs you are looking for?"

I really can't go any further.

From here you can already see the lights on the other side of the camp, as well as the patrol posts walking around the camp.

It's really dangerous to go further.

"No, there is no herb I want here. Go ahead, Kahn, let's be careful, they won't find us."

Su Mian quickly calculated in his brain, and then moved forward 200 meters.

200 meters is enough, she can draw the whole picture of the camp, including the defensive facilities and firepower branch.

Kahn shook his head helplessly, Su Mian insisted, he had to continue.

It's near.

1000 meters, 900 meters, 800 meters are getting closer and closer.

Su Mian has heard the voice of the guard post and the laughter in the camp.

Suddenly, Kahn, who was rushing in front, leaned forward and planted.


Kahn let out a low cry.

Although he had tried his best to control, but the voice was still not low.

There was a huge pit in front of him. If Su Mian hadn't grabbed Kahn, Kahn had fallen into the pit.


At this time, a bullet came through the air.

Su Mian pulled Kahn's back collar and rolled directly toward the small soil **** next to him!

Kahn was scared silly.

Just now.

The bullet passed through his ears. If Su Mian hadn't pulled him to avoid him, he would have gone to see **** by now!

Between the calcium carbide sparks, Kan has calmed down, "Su Mian, thank you, what you said is true, I am dragging you down!"

"Stop talking, someone is coming!"

Su Mian's bullet was loaded, but Kahn held it down, "Can't shoot."

Su Mian took aim, "These two must be defeated, otherwise we can't escape. Don't worry, I found a cave over there on the way here. Let's go in and hide. It won't cause trouble to your tribe."

Su Mian pulled the trigger after speaking!

Bang bang!

The two who were chasing in their direction fell over.

At this time, Su Mian quickly drew images in his mind. There were four fortresses in the middle of the camp. 230 people were patrolling around, 330 people were resting in the camp, and 30 people outside the camp.

After doing all this, Su Mian opened his eyes.

"You...you...just now, I called you, why didn't you respond?"

Kahn can no longer express his feelings in words.

Su Mian was in a daze after firing the gun for a full minute.

You know, one minute is enough for the opponent to counterattack.

Life is at stake!

But Su Mian was in a daze!

"They are over there, chase after!" At this moment someone shouted in the distance, and Su Mian took the petrified Kahn and ran away.

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