Su Mian smiled faintly, "Diagnosis, although I am still a student, I am also a doctor!"


One of them sneered, "Don't be a blind cat and kill a mouse, you are blind! Did Beckham tell you something?"

Several others also suddenly realized, "Yes, it must be so, otherwise you can diagnose that the major general has a family history?"

"Su Mian, I advise you not to delay us! Xiaobei, hurry up and send the people away. We have to continue the diagnosis and treatment, the major can't afford to delay!"

A few people are full of confidence, as if they have a countermeasure to drive Su Mian away.

Bei was hesitating, Su Mian was personally invited by him, so it would be inappropriate to send him away!

The major general himself also trusted Su Mian extremely, not to mention Kahn also said that Su Mian was a genius doctor.

When Bei was in a dilemma, the butler came in to announce, "Everyone, the head of China you invited has arrived."

Several doctors immediately smiled and looked at Su Mian disdainfully, "This time let you see what a real genius doctor is." After speaking, they said to the housekeeper, "Hurry up!"

When Zhao Bo and the others walked in, Su Mian was really taken aback. It turned out that the genius doctor in their mouth was Chief Zhao.

Behind him are Jing Liangping and Wei Zhenhui. Su Mian's fear of these two days collapsed in an instant.

Especially at the moment when she saw Wei Zhenhui's tall body, her heart-carried heart finally landed.

Their eyes met, and the two nodded tacitly.

Even if Su Mian has a thousand words to talk to Wei Zhenhui, now is not the time.

The leading doctor greeted Zhao Bo enthusiastically, "This is the **** of surgery in China, Zhao Bo!" After speaking, he looked at Su Mian, "You must have heard of Zhao Bo's name?"

Su Mian nodded very cooperatively, and was even more curious about what the doctor wanted to say.

"Well, let Chief Zhao be a witness today and make comments."

Then the doctor told Zhao Bo the ins and outs of the matter again, "Chief Zhao, this little girl claims to be your genius doctor in China. Now let's listen to her diagnosis and treatment of the major general. How about?"

Zhao Bo smiled and nodded, "Okay, I also want to know what level my students are now?"


"You forgot, I am now the head of the Military Medical University, she is not my student!" Zhao Bo was really cunning enough, and started playing word games again.

It is well known in China that Su Mian is Zhao Bo's disciple, but these people don't know it.

But now that they know the relationship between Zhao Bo and Su Mian, the expressions of several doctors have also eased a lot.

In the presence of the **** of medicine, you can't prevent his students from coming to stage, isn't it?

Moreover, several people murmured secretly, and as long as Su Mian explained it a little bit, they would let Su Mian go.

After all, people from friendly countries should not be too bad.

Su Mian took the thoughts of several people in his eyes, and now even if they want to forget it, Su Mian will not give up.

Today, she must use her strength to slap these few in the face severely to let them know what it means to be impenetrable.

"Okay, then I'll explain it." Su Mian smiled calmly.

Several doctors changed their faces.

What's the matter?

Things didn't seem to go according to the script they had planned in advance.

Why is Su Mian not afraid of Zhao Bo at all? It's illogical!

With Zhao Bo's reputation in China, it is impossible for Su Mian to have never heard of it, so she still **** like this?

Why on earth?

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