Su Mian won this round, and Kahn finally exaggerated this time.

"I told you a long time ago that Su Mian is a genius doctor, and you don't believe me. It's all right now!"

After speaking, he deliberately spread his hands, looking helpless, but his eyes are actually smiling!

I kept crying in my heart: Su Mian, why are you so amazing? Seeing the expressions of a few old guys, they can open a dye shop!

But Bei, too anxious to follow the ants on the hot pot, wishing Su Mian would save people immediately!

If he had doubts about Su Mian before, now it is certain and certain!

The major general did not see the wrong person!

The doctors looked at each other.

Su Mian's meaning is obvious.

Will not give Major General Ram a diagnosis and treatment easily!

What else can I do?

I had to ask Zhao Bo for help, "Chief, don't you show it to the major general?"

Zhao Bo glanced at Su Mian, then smiled lightly, "I am only good at field surgery. I am not as proficient in this kind of internal medicine as my student!"


These few people are dumbfounded!

It seems that they really offended a genius doctor today!

The talking doctor rubbed his hands in embarrassment again, "Chief, don't be kidding, how can your medical skills be inferior to students?"

Zhao Bo constricted a smile, and said sternly, "Surgery has a specialization. This student of mine is also a top doctor in China, and her field surgery and herbal medicine are currently unmatched in China. It is internal medicine. She She is also very proficient. Therefore, she is a real genius doctor, without exaggeration."

After hearing what Zhao Bo said, the doctors really wanted to dig a hole on the spot and bury themselves!


Please forgive them for their ignorance and fearlessness, for almost driving the genius doctor out of the house.

The cheeks of several people are also thick.

After listening to Zhao Bo's words, he immediately surrounded Su Mian and scrambled to apologize.

"Supernatural doctor Su Mian, it's all my fault, and it has nothing to do with the major general. Please don't learn from us old folks!"

"Su Mian, I heard that you were born to death with our major general, you will never just watch him die!"

"When the major general was in a coma, he still had an obsession with the genius doctor, so Beckham tried all the hard work to find you."

"The genius doctor, there is not much time, and the major general can't afford to delay! If the major general is cured, we must be guilty!"


When everyone talks about this, Su Mian is not unreasonable.

"If this is the case, then I can barely give it a try?" Su Mian said modestly.

"Try it!!! Try it now!"

"The genius doctor, hurry up, don't hesitate!"

Su Mian had already diagnosed and treated Lahm just now, and just took out two medicines from his rucksack.

One kind is a small white tablet, the other is a big pill.

Then he handed them, "A kind of white blood cell enhancement, a kind of anti-inflammatory, and the major general will be able to heal in a week!"

Several doctors were holding the medicine Su Mian handed over in their hands, similar to holding the elixir.

"Just this... two medicines will do?"

Su Mian nodded, "Enough!"

Several doctors did not dare to delay, and immediately ordered the major general to take the medicine.

"You stare at him, you should be able to wake up at night."

"Okay!" The doctor replied respectfully, but his eyes were still fixed on the two medicines, "Dare to ask the genius doctor, this medicine is produced in China?"

Su Mian nodded, "I was matched by someone, why, there is a problem?"

"No, no, I just thought, it would be great if our Pakistan could import some. As you know, we are now in constant wars and anti-inflammatory drugs are seriously out of stock."

Su Mian understood what he meant, they wanted to buy, and the quantity would not be small.

Su Mian looked at Zhao Bo, and Zhao Bo understood, "You can apply for this matter, and it will be better for us."

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