It took Su Mian for a long time to start explaining, "Brother Hui, I am not proud, on the contrary I have been cautious. Every time I perform a task, I will walk on thin ice, because I know that I am not alone. In the distance, there is one waiting for me. The men of the world have been waiting for me to go back. As you said, I do have a life span of hundreds of thousands of years, but I still dare not take the risk. What if the enemy blows my head, in case my head and body What should I do if I split up? Even if I can survive, I won’t be able to live upright in everyone’s sight. Brother Hui, I want to live, live well in the sun, side by side with you!"


"Why don't you go to heaven!"

Wei Zhenhui was so angry that he laughed out loud and had to say that Su Mian's long talks and fallacies did please someone who was burning with anger.

Seeing someone's face warming up a little bit, Su Mian pushed someone back with two small paws, "Brother Hui, you're not angry anymore, can you let me go?"

"can not!"


"I don't believe you that you are not injured, I have to check it myself!"

Su Mian: "..."

She's still unreasonable, she's a doctor, the kind of genius doctor!

She wanted to say something else. Someone had already held her lower lip and took a bite. Su Mian snorted slightly. This sound directly irritated someone, holding Su Mian in her waist and walking towards the big bed.

Su Mian was spinning around, and the person was already in his arms.

"Wei Zhenhui, what are you doing, I haven't taken a shower for several days!"

Su Mian struggled and ran wildly in the valley that day, coupled with the loess on the way to and from the tribe, Su Mian felt that she must have a smell of earth now.

"I didn't wash it either. It happened to be together. By the way, I want to check it out from the inside out!"

Su Mian gritted his teeth with anger, this rascal!

The two came out of the bathroom, two hours later.

Wei Zhenhui did exactly what he said, checking Su Mian inside and out.

So now Su Mian was as tired as a cat, nestled in Wei Zhenhui's arms, unable to open his eyelids.

"Go to Major General Ram tomorrow, I'll go with you." The man who is full is also serious when talking about business.

Su Mian opened his eyelids.

Someone continued, "You even have a son, I'm afraid you will find him a father again!"

He didn't dare to think, if he didn't come this time, would Su Mian change the man too!


Su Mian knew that this guy was so careful, he would definitely not turn the story easily.

Su Mian arched into Wei Zhenhui's arms without a trace, "Brother Hui, Leike is still young, don't be familiar with him!"

"Who told him to **** his wife from me!"

Su Mian:...

On the second day, when Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui arrived, Leike was the first to rush over and plunge into Su Mian's arms.

"Mom, do you miss me or dad?"

Su Mian: ...a black line in the forehead!

Is she coming to see a doctor?

"Dad, I'm awake, I'll take you there." After finishing speaking, he grabbed Su Mian's index finger and walked towards Ram's room. When passing by Wei Zhenhui, he rolled his eyes and gave a cold snort.

Then turned his face to ask Su Mian, and asked angrily, "This man, is that why you don't want me and Dad?"

When they came in just now, he could see that his mother's eyes looked wrong at the man!

Su Mian couldn't laugh, it seemed that she had explained to him for nothing yesterday.

"He is my husband!"

"But you already have a father!" Lake said angrily.

"I do not have."

"Then where did I come from?"

Su Mian:...

"Then do you have children with this man?"

Is it so difficult for a 4-year-old child now?

Just as Su Mian didn't know how to answer, Ram limped out of the room.

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