Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2468: Who is the child's mother

Chief Jiang agreed to accept Leike over there, which made several people feel relieved. Perhaps the most nervous one was Leike.

At this moment, he was standing next to Ram, a curious baby, looking at Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui.

Neither eyes are enough.

One is the candidate for his mother, as long as he goes to China, he can often see him, and his mother is so kind to him.

The other one is even better!

He is the king of special forces soldiers even better than my father!

It is his latest idol!

He is so tall, half a head taller than his father, and the aura that this man exudes fascinates him even more and makes him a little scared.

It can really overshadow everyone's aura.

He has only seen this kind of thing in the President's uncle!

Therefore, the little guy feels particularly contradictory to Wei Zhenhui, that is, the feeling of wanting to be close but afraid of being afraid.

Finally, after struggling for a while, his sight finally fell on Su Mian.

Su Mian satisfies all his requirements for his mother.

She is beautiful, good-handed, gentle, and feels safe with her. The important thing is that her mother can also practice medicine. What a great woman!

Wei Zhenhui and Su Mian were surveyed by Leikeli and outside, and the little guy withdrew his gaze, and the corners of his lips twitched, revealing a neat row of small teeth.

"I will be obedient, I won't cause you trouble!" Now that he knows that his father is not going to abandon him, Rick has returned to his previous innocence and cuteness.

Su Mian smiled and stroked his head, "Boys don't have to be good, but they must be responsible!"

After saying this, Su Mian felt guilty and felt that she should go to the space to find some parenting books to make up for it.

How to guide and educate children of Lake's age!

Rick nodded vigorously as if he had moved.

His mother taught him to be different from others!

"Major General, I have a question, I don't know if I should ask?"

This question has troubled Su Mian for a few days, and now she has to ask in front of Leike.

"Excuse me." Gentleman Ram smiled.

"It's Lake's mother, who is it?"

When Su Mian asked, Ram Ru Mu Chunfeng's face was stiff for a while, but he quickly recovered.

Ram was silent for a while, as if to open a past that had already been sealed...

"She was acquainted with me when I was studying at the Military Academy of Country M. Her name is Xu Shilan!"


Seeing the wind and waves, Su Mian didn't catch his breath, and almost choked to death.

Wei Zhenhui quickly patted her on the back, "Daughter-in-law, are you scared? That Xiaobei, can you pour a glass of water?"

"no, I'm fine!"

Su Mian hurriedly declined, already feeling very embarrassed that he would really drink water wherever he was.

Su Mian coughed for a while, her face flushed slightly, and finally eased, "I was really scared!"

Ram took a step forward, his eyes gleaming, "Why, do you know her?"

"More than knowing, she is my comrade-in-arms!"

"That's great, you can put Rick in her place to raise!"


This sentence directly made Su Mian as if he had been struck by lightning.

Xu Shilan has liked Huo Jingrun since high school. How could she have a baby with Ram?

And put the child in Xu Shilan's care...

The Xu family's tutor is famous for being strict. If you know that Xu Shilan is pregnant first when she is unmarried, she will not break Xu Shilan's legs!

After a series of stimuli, Su Mian said after a while, "Major General, are you sure that Leike's mother is Xu Shilan? Could you be mistaken?"

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