Several people leaned over, and Xu Shilan only glanced at her and changed her face, "Is it her?"

"You know?" Ram directly grabbed Xu Shilan's arm, as if grabbing the last straw, his voice became even stranger to him, "Do you know her, right? Tell me where she is?"

Ram has a lot of strength, not to mention that at this moment, he only has the person in the picture in his heart and eyes, and he doesn't care about Xu Shilan's feelings at all.

Xu Shilan frowned slightly and pulled out her arm from Ram.

Ram found out that he was holding the other girl, "Sorry, I'm gaffe! But please tell me her whereabouts."

Xu Shilan's face was embarrassed, it's not that she didn't want to say, it's really...

"Comrade Xu Shilan, please tell me!" After Ram said, he gave Xu Shilan a military salute, "She is the person I identify. I will only marry her in this life. Please tell me where she is? No matter what she is. Where, even at the ends of the world, I will find her!"

Xu Shilan really didn't know what to say.

The more Ram was like this, the more she couldn't say it!

Zhao Bo touched Xu Shilan with his arm, "Xu girl, you're talking about Sa, do you think someone looks handsome and wants to stay by yourself!"

"Yes, tell Major General Ram quickly!"

Jing Liangping is also anxious. He can help the brother of the President of Pakistan find his sweetheart. This is no longer a problem between friends. It has completely risen to the height of the country, okay?

If this woman is a Chinese, then the relationship between Pakistan and China will take another step up!

Jing Liangping admired himself, thinking about the honor of the country all the time!

Wei Zhenhui has always been cold-eyed, he is the most sober one.

He was an observer, and Xu Shilan's small expression did not escape his eyes.

Although she is not familiar with Xu Shilan, she is Su Mian's friend after all, so she pulled Xu Shilan aside and asked, "Is there something unspeakable?"

"I think it's too cruel to tell him now!"

"People are dead?" Wei Zhenhui asked keenly.

Xu Shilan nodded.

She didn't dare to think Ram knew how to react.

Xun Xun Mi Mi has been for five years, and suddenly tells him that the man is dead!

Wei Zhenhui took a deep breath, "Then you should tell him as soon as possible, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. He has not had an easy time waiting for someone for the past five years."

Wei Zhenhui knew that feeling too well, waiting for someone who would never come.

He was like that in the previous life.

I have to say that Wei Zhenhui's words gave Xu Shilan courage. She walked up to Ram again, "She is Xu Shiting, my cousin, who died during the mission five years ago."

After listening to Ram, he felt his head buzzed, then his brain went blank, and the whole person fell straight back!

"Quickly, call a doctor, Ram fainted!"

"What's the doctor? Su Mian is outside!"

"It's better to call a doctor, Su Mian is not necessary for this kind of fainting!"


Ram quickly awoke and was sent back to the Presidential Palace, while Lake also went back because he was worried about his father.

However, before leaving, she deliberately walked up to Xu Shilan, "Auntie, although you are not my mother, but I like you so much!" After speaking, she hugged Xu Shilan's thigh again.

In the end, it was Beckham who resisted Leike away, "I'm sorry, Comrade Xu Shilan, Leike is like that. He couldn't move when he saw a beautiful Chinese woman."

Xu Shilan liked Leike very much. She watched him lying on Beckham's shoulder and kept waving with him.


At this time, a male voice pierced into his ears, mixed with his breath, making Xu Shilan's heart tremble.

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