Kahn also brought a guide named Akin.

Ah Jin is in his fifties, half of Chinese descent, and half of Pakistani descent.

In his early years, he lived in the virgin forests of the south for more than ten years, and he was relatively familiar with that area.

After listening to Ah Jin's introduction, China and Pakistan began to deploy and specify a combat plan.

The special forces are also preparing for their journey through the virgin forest tomorrow night.

The shadow organization is extremely cunning, and the hostages are imprisoned in the hinterland of the primeval forest.

Therefore, to rescue the hostages, not only must they pass through the dangerous virgin forest, but also through the swamp.

"Everyone wrap everything in plastic sheet first, and then put them in the backpack." Su Mian exhorted, while tapping equipment, "Signal pen, compass, altitude meter, chocolate, beef jerky, drinking water... "

The mouse even put a deck of playing cards that he played last night into his backpack, "This thing can be used as a hidden weapon at critical moments. I watch TV in this way!"

Lu Chun squinted at him angrily, "Okay, I'm waiting for you to kill someone with playing cards!"

"Hey, I was underestimated by playing cards, maybe you were caught, I just rely on this to save you!"

Lu Chun shook his head, his mouth shook his ears, "Mouse, remember, you must save me with playing cards, you are a dead mouse if you use something else!"

A few male soldiers laughed around.

The war is imminent, and it is rare that the atmosphere is so relaxed.

Compared with the ease of the male soldiers, the female soldiers look serious here, but they seem to be preparing for battle!

Luo Fang is wiping the shou gun. Because it is a jungle battle, the trees are dense and the visibility is one meter, the shou gun has become the most flexible weapon.

Of course, as a member of the special forces, a sniper rifle is essential.

"Su Mian, I see you staring at the headset in a daze for a long time, what are you looking at?" Luo Fang put the gun away and touched Su Mian with his elbow.

Hearing what she said, several other female soldiers also gathered around, "Su Mian, what have you noticed?"

Su Mian smiled faintly, "It's okay, I just thought that if it is not convenient to talk when performing a task, we can use this as a few sets of codes. What do you think?"

The girls were all interested. This time the combat area is a primeval forest. They have limited training experience and must find more ways to facilitate contact and exchanges.

After a while, the female soldier had already figured out several secret codes, and then sent them to the male soldier.

Several sets of codes are very simple, but practical.

Night fell.

The Huaguo Special Forces is ready to go, and 200 elite soldiers from Pakistan have also assembled.

According to the combat plan, Pakistan sent two teams to take a helicopter to the vicinity of the hostage detention to prepare for preliminary investigation and reception.

A large force crossed the swamp, then sneaked in quietly.

The truck sent two hundred people to the edge of the primeval forest, and 200 people stepped into the primeval forest.

Ah Jin took the map and walked in the forefront. Wei Zhenhui, Kahn and Ram followed behind him.

After a few steps, Ah Jin stopped suddenly. He looked at the map and then at the terrain, his expression hesitant.

"It seems to be different from a few years ago!"

Wei Zhenhui was undecided. Ah Jin was the best guide Ba Guo could find. If he could reach this level, he would no longer choose. After all, he had taken them safely for 2 kilometers.

"Why is it different?"

Rahn asked and watched vigilantly.

Visibility here is low during the day, let alone at night, you can basically see a few people around you.

At this time, Akin shook his head again, "Maybe I remembered it wrong, we continue to the south."


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