Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2495: Bad news (plus more monthly ticket)

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly, life is important!"

The little brother yelled and ran behind the beard, "Boss, I still don't understand, who are we cheated by?"

The bearded smoke rushed down the hillside, retreating to a place where the bullet could not hit, and then explained, "Who else can it be, old B!"

"Old B! Hasn't he already left the shadow organization, why is he still working for them?"

"This man is very cunning. Although I don't know what his purpose is, it must be related to the China Special Forces! Grandma's, really treat me as a fool. The female soldiers of the China Special Forces are really **** good. If not, Let's run fast, we have to explain this to us!"

The little brother's eyes rolled a few times before finally reacting.

"I heard that the two female soldiers who killed Old B's Old A were in the China Special Forces. Old B tried to get rid of it several times but failed!"

After speaking, his face turned pale, "He can't kill him, so he hired us?"

Old B is a top international sniper. It can be seen how powerful the two female soldiers are!

Bearded Ni glanced at him, "Now I understand! Fortunately, I found out in time." After finishing speaking, he frowned, "However, old B is cunning, he won't just buy us a mercenary, he knows our level. There must be a backhand behind."

The younger brother nodded suddenly, "But, how do we explain to the leader of the shadow organization?"

The bearded snorted, "What should I explain, we did stop it, I didn't beat it and ran away!"

Really stupid, just the 50-person special team of China, there is no special 200-person top mercenary, it can't be cleaned up at all.

After talking about it, the beard turned and counted his brothers. Fortunately, he only lost a dozen of them, leading them to disappear into the primeval forest in an instant.

The gunfire stopped, and the last group of Pakistani soldiers swam to the shore, all with emotion after the disaster. At the same time, they also paid tribute to the dozens of sacrificed comrades in silence.

Ah Jin was so frightened that he was so scared that it was really hard for him to be an ordinary person.

Everyone quickly adjusted their emotions, after all, the living people have more shoulders than the dead.

There is still a long way to go, and they must work hard to survive.

The next task is to cross the swamp.

With the lessons learned, no one dared to take it lightly this time.

Wei Zhenhui and several non-commissioned officers were studying the battle plan, and some of the other fighters were on alert and some were listening carefully.

After the action plan was determined, Wei Zhenhui dared not delay, and the team quickly entered the swamp.

Compared to land, swamps are safer, and no team of mercenaries will lurk around the swamp.

Ah Jin played a full role this time, he had his own way of crossing the swamp.

Therefore, when the sun went down, the 200-person team finally made it out of the swamp safely.

Before everyone had time to celebrate the victory, Huo Jingrun and Wu Mengmeng's radio stations sent creaking signals.

It was sent by the Ba National Soldier.

Huo Jingrun discerned carefully, and finally said, "Master Wei, important information!"

Everyone's heart is tight, because since they entered the virgin forest, they have not received a good news.

"you say."

Wei Zhenhui twisted his eyebrows, already feeling bad.

According to the agreed time, the two teams of Pakistan should have arrived long ago, but there was no news!

"Two helicopters, one was shot down, and the other one is missing!" Huo Jingrun paused after speaking. "The crew of the shot down plane is temporarily safe. They found mercenaries around. They asked for support!"

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