
A bullet flew over at a high speed in the distance, and Su Mian heard it the moment the bullet flew out of the muzzle!

She didn't have time to yell, so she could only slam down, who was standing on the outermost periphery!

Yes, the target of the opponent's shooting is lofty!

Because of the long distance, when Su Mianfei rushed over, she felt a heartache in her left arm. She was injured!

"Lie down!" Su Mian shouted the moment he fell to the ground!

Everyone fell down mechanically and instantly, a little confused for a while!

"What's the matter? Who shot something so special? Where did they come from?"

"Yeah, the few of us have been on alert and haven't seen anyone!"

"Damn it, dare to play yin with us, then don't blame our Huaguo Special Forces team for being rude!"

12 people quickly adjusted, loaded the bullets, and began to search for the target.

Su Mian endured the pain and continued, "The gunman is at 11 o'clock. It's not ruled out that he has accomplices. Attention everyone!"

When Su Mian said this, everyone became more vigilant and soon formed a semicircle with 11 minutes as the center.

"What's the situation?" Luo Fang crawled to Su Mian, "We have been on alert, why didn't we find the situation!"

She didn't realize that Su Mian was injured. In Luo Fang's eyes, Su Mian would not get hurt easily.

Su Mian's arms were numb for a while, and Su Mian slowly said in a low voice, "The other party should have been in ambush early. When some of us fall into the trap and are in a hurry, he can be a fisherman!"

Su Mian endured the pain in one breath and gritted his teeth unconsciously.

Gao Yang saw Su Mian's blood-stained arm, "Su Mian, you are injured, I will take care of it for you!"

"No, now is not the time!" Su Mian refused directly.

Intuition tells her that the other party is not easy, he should be a master sniper, and must not be taken lightly.

Luo Fang knew that Su Mian was injured, "Su Mian, can you still shoot? Can't I come?"

She is an observer, and must be on top at this time.

Su Mian shook his head, "I think his style is a bit like old B, Luo Fang, I can't let you take this risk."

Luo Fang is very good as an observer, but as a sniper, she still needs to exercise, especially to deal with cunning people like old B!

As soon as I heard that it was old B, the hands of the people around who held the gun tightened tightly.

They haven't had any direct contact with old B, but even the big devil has suffered from him, how dare they take it lightly.

The low terrain itself is the biggest disadvantage.

The bullet came from the 11 o'clock direction, and the most likely bunker was the rock on the hillside in front.

If Old B is at a high place, it is really easy to beat them.

Then why did he choose Gao Yang as his goal before?

Su Mian suddenly narrowed his eyes, yes, Gao Yang was blocking her in the previous position! ! !

Therefore, the other party's goal is simply her!

Wanting to understand all this, Su Mian can already be sure, "Luo Fang, be careful, I'm sure the other party is old B!"

"Fuck," Luo Fang also loaded the bullet, "Auntie has been waiting for him for a long time! He has been hiding in the dark, so he should be killed by a single shot!"

Su Mian smiled bitterly, "There are too many people who want to destroy him. He can live to this day, which shows that he has this ability."

On the other side, Mouse and Yan Yan formed a second sniper team, and cooperated with Su Mian and Luo Fang to carry out sniping together!

Su Mian adjusted his vision, "I have locked his hidden position. Report the test data!"

"Yes!" Luo Fang took out the tester, "The temperature is 27 degrees, and the wind speed is 6 meters per second..."

Suddenly a helmet appeared in Su Mian's field of vision, but she did not pull the trigger.

Who is old B, he will never make such a low-level mistake.

Babies, the bird is asking for a monthly pass. It’s not good to kneel and beg, the kind of crying and begging~~

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