"I know. Don't worry, Su Mian, I'm not absolutely sure, I won't shoot!" The mouse's eyes were originally small, and with such a squinting, both eyes were a gap, and it was impossible to see which one was aiming.

This is the second time he has cooperated with Su Mian.

For the first time, Su Mian successfully killed old A and became famous in one fell swoop.

In private, he had communicated with Yan Yan more than once or twice. Compared with Su Mian and Luo Fang, what was the difference between them?

If you meet a sniper master again, can they win in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, they really met today.

The opportunity is rare in a lifetime. As the second sniper team, Mouse and Yan Yan do their part.

Before Major Huo made arrangements, he and Yan Yan had already occupied favorable terrain with a gun.

The opponent is so experienced and very good at disguising. The mouse didn't grasp the opportunity just now, and when he went to aim again, the opponent changed places.

Really cunning!

"Yan Yan, I didn't find the target, how are you?" After a few minutes, the mouse was a little anxious.

"Don't panic!" Yan Yan stared at the binoculars, "Now you know what is the difference between us and Su Mian? It's because of your quick temper!"

Rarely, the mouse did not refute, but nodded in agreement.

He admitted that, compared with Su Mian, what he lacks is that calmness!

This time he must be steady!

The mouse slowly turned the sight, and suddenly, at one o'clock on the right, it was suspected to have found the target.

Someone over there?

No matter how fast the old B moves, he can't run a few hundred meters away.

At this time, a white light flashed in the direction of one o'clock, and the mouse was even more convinced that there was someone there.

"Yan Yan, at 1 o'clock, you can confirm it!" The mouse made a small jump in his voice with excitement.

Yan Yan raised the telescope and looked towards one o'clock, "Found the target, the distance is 650 meters!"

Yan Yan's words reminded Su Mian.

"No! The other party has two sets of snipers!" Su Mian shouted into the headset.

"Huh? Two groups?" Luo Fang didn't find one group, Su Mian actually said there were two groups.

"The mice found a group, we should still have a group. That's why it's not right!" Su Mian measured the distance, and they were less than 300 meters away from their current position on the opposite hillside.

Luo Fang was puzzled, "Why is it wrong, Su Mian, just say, who do you want to die?"

"The wound on my arm, the 300-meter sniper rifle can't make this kind of wound, so it was shot by another group, that is, old B was in the 1 o'clock direction, and our side was in the 11 o'clock direction. people!"

The mouse was stupid when he heard it.

"What the hell, Su Mian, you said I'm old B here."

"Yes, so you are ready to attack old B at any time!"

"I... OK!" The mouse gritted his teeth and agreed. He knew that Su Mian's position was not the best sniper position, and now he can only rely on him to follow Yan Yan!

The mouse didn't know whether it was nervous or agitated, and did not make a sound for a long time.

Yan Yan stared at the binoculars while reminding, "Mice, you are focused, we are going to deal with old B!"

"Okay!" The mouse bit his back teeth again and stared at the target area intently.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, and half an hour, the other party still didn't move at all.

At this time, it is a competition of endurance and psychology, and whoever is in a hurry loses.

This time, the mouse is determined to fight to the end with old B!

"Mouse, I have a way, can you hit old B with a single shot?" Yan Yan asked.

"Why, you don't want to bait yourself? No need, old B is also a human, he will always move!"

After persisting until now, the mouse has become more and more calm.

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