"Master, you...Don't talk! I sent a distress signal, and the helicopter will arrive soon!"

As soon as D's voice fell, a helicopter roared in the air in the distance. Two machine guns were mounted in the doorway, and they were shooting violently at the mouse.

Da da da!

The wormwood that was one person tall was blown away, and the ridges were flattened instantly.

The mice couldn't raise their heads at all, let alone aim.

The helicopter landed near the rock where old B was, and two people came down and carried old B onto the plane.

At this time.

"Pay attention to concealment!"

Yan Yan yelled, and Yan Yan's voice came from the loudspeaker.

Old B suddenly opened his eyes. It was this person, this person was imitating his brother's voice!

Old B straightened his body, as if he was about to rush over, and D held him down, "Master, life is important. Sooner or later we have to settle this account with the Special Forces!"

The plane roared away, and the four people pulled their heads out of the soil.

"Fuck, I pooh!"

The mouse exploded with a swear word, and what he vomited from his mouth was muddy, "Seriously, you haven't explained it yet, why did you say that line, old B got excited!"

"Yeah!" Luo Fang didn't understand. "If it weren't for you, we would wait until the sun goes down and old B would not show his feet!"

"This sentence is not a line!"

Yan Yan smiled faintly, "I have studied old A and watched a video about him. There is such a sentence in it. He said when he was injured and captured and was in a coma."

"Then how do you know Ron is old B?"

Luo Fang nodded and expressed reconsideration, "Is old A just such a younger brother?"

Hearing this, Yan Yan cast a rare admiration look at Luo Fang, "You finally learned to think!"


Luo Fang: "My brain cells were killed by you and Su Mian, okay? So, you quickly explain to grandma, what is going on?"

Su Mian pursed her lips, and she knew it would be the result.

Although Luo Fang has a carefree personality, everyone is curious, especially Luo Fang at this time.

If Yan Yan didn't clarify the ins and outs of the matter, the girl would have to tear up the Yan Yan.

Under Luo Fang's menacing eyes, Yan Yan continued.

"I have read the passage where Old A said this sentence more than a hundred times. I have imitated his voice, the light and accent of each note, and his tone countless times. The more imitated, the more I feel that this sentence is not simple. .

What did they go through that made Old A say this in this tone.

You must also hear the emotions in his words! "

Several people nodded.

Yan Yan continued, "Old A's words were clearly addressed to his younger brother, and he has two younger brothers, and the other died when he was ten years old."

The mouse burst into light from a pair of small eyes, as if grasping the key to the problem.

"This sentence makes people feel desolate and gentle. It is most likely to be said to the dead brother. Why do you think the object is old B?"

Yan Yan nodded, "Yes, I thought so at the beginning. Until later, I checked the information again and found a small detail."

"What is it?" Luo Fang was so excited that he leaned over immediately, his head almost hitting Yan Yan's shoulder.

"They found two lines of small characters in old A's helmet, one line is: Ron? B, the other line is Edward? A. After contacting the relationship between old A and old B, it is not difficult to determine!"

Several people were silent for a long time, seeming to be sorting out what old A and old B had experienced.

Of course, only the two of them knew about that period of time.

"Well, now Old B is seriously injured and will not come out to make trouble in a few months. Let's study now, the next action plan!" Yan Yan said.

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