Auntie came over and asked Rek what to eat.

Chief Jiang explained that there is a child from Pakistan who will live in Jiang's house for a period of time.

Su Mian looked at Leike, "What are you eating?"

Leike smiled lightly at Auntie, revealing a neat row of small teeth, "Auntie, I love Chinese food the most. I like everything you do."

Although she is a child, she is so beautiful, and she is so complacent, the aunty smiled from ear to ear, "Yeah, what does Lake say? Then what kind of Huaguo dishes do you like, auntie will cook!" "

Su Mian:...

At this time, Jiang Xiangqian followed Wei Zhenhui downstairs one after another.

After listening to Leike's words, Jiang Xiangqian laughed directly, "This kid can't die with this mouth. Come, come over, let Grandpa take a look."

Jiang Xiangqian walked to Leike, but Leike cleverly let him sit down, "Grandpa, you sit, I just stand."

Yo, this villain is not easy!

Jiang Xiangqian sat on the sofa and hugged him directly, "In March next year, you will go to school with other children. I have discussed with your father Wei and you cannot delay your studies. In China, you can rest assured that no one will hurt you. !"

Jiang Xiangqian really likes children, and the petting look in his eyes cannot be pretended.

Lake smashed his mouth twice before speaking, "Grandpa, I still want to be with you at home, you are so lonely and lonely!"

Indeed, when Liu Wenqing was here before, Chief Jiang could still have a speaker.

When Liu Wenqing left, this villa, except for his aunt, was Jiang Zhengye who had only returned home at night.

Jiang Xiangqian glanced at Wei Zhenhui, "Look, five-year-olds are more sensible than you!"

Wei Zhenhui:...

Su Mian:...

Knowing that his words have caused trouble to Mom Su and Dad Wei, he quickly explained, "Grandpa, I will tell you a secret."

After finishing talking, he stood on tiptoe and leaned to Jiang Xiangqian's ear, "My father and my mother have me once. So I think it's better to let the child go, and don't press too hard!"

Jiang Xiangqian shook his head and refused to admit it, "I don't have any, I don't usually mention it!"

It's really useless to mention it!

Jiang Xiangqian said it seriously, if ordinary children would believe it.

But our Lake is no ordinary kid.

He took Jiang Xiangqian's hand and walked to the toy room next to the guest room on the first floor, "Grandpa, you see, these things are all ready, you said they haven't urged them. Father Wei and Mother Su see these every time they go home. Is it stress-free? I heard the doctor say that sometimes the more you want this kind of thing, the less you want it!"

Jiang Xiangqian curled his eyebrows.

Some doctors also told him this, and now even a five-year-old kid is telling him.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and looked at Lake again. The child was sure that he was only five years old, not twenty-five years old!

He felt that Wei Zhenhui might not even understand this.

"So, my grandfather, I suggest that you shouldn't mention this during this period of time. You should eat and drink. Even if they take the initiative to mention it, you have to hold back. Don't talk or care. Wait until they really put your guard down. Yes, just wait to hug your grandson!"

Is that true?

The grand-daughter-in-law of the staff member Liu in the front yard gave birth a few days ago.

I heard that in the first few years, I couldn’t get pregnant. Later, Staff Liu became discouraged and followed his old **** to travel around the mountains and rivers. Suddenly one day he received a telegram from his son saying, "The granddaughter-in-law is pregnant!"

Jiang Xiangqian was silent for a while, then looked at Lake again, and then asked, "Do you know how to play chess?"

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