

The two old men, who were nearly one hundred and fifty years old together, looked like two generals, each with different expressions.

Xu Changqing is naturally the one who hummed. What does it mean to lure the enemy into deep? Is he an enemy?

This kid, did he treat him as a grandfather?

It is naturally Jiang Xiangqian, who is now winking at Xu Changqing proudly, "How about? My grandfather is a relative, and your grandfather is an enemy! Hahaha!"

Jiang Xiangqian laughed and slapped his thighs. The exaggeration of his movements made everyone look at him!

Xu Xiangqian asked Leike, "Didn't you say that on the phone?" After he glanced at Jiang Xiangqian, Jiang Xiangqian's eyebrows stood up. "You said, you want mother, let me give you time to understand Xu's family!"

As soon as Leike rolled his eyes, he seemed to be greased under his feet, and ran to Su Mian, "Mother Su, what did you ask me to do?"

Jiang Xiangqian:...

Xu Changqing:...

This bear kid slipped so fast.

After breakfast, both families went to the hot spring.

The hot springs are separated by men and women, and they are far apart.

Su Mian injured her arm, so she sat by the pool, put her leg in the pool, and swung around.

Xu Shilan sat comfortably in the pool with only his head exposed.

It is rare for the Special Forces team to have such a leisure time, and the two chatted each and every sentence.

"Bai Xue is pregnant! What a pity!" Xu Shilan remembered Bai Xue, the girl who replaced her in "Guerilla".

Su Mian smiled and said nothing.

It's a pity that Xu Shilan's previous life was popular with the heroine in "Guerilla".

Although Bai Xue didn't have Xu Shilan's temperament and appearance, Bai Xue was not bad either. She had her advantages.

Especially suitable for women with positive energy.

And she has worked so hard, Su Mian believes that she will be popular too!

Xu Shilan went on to say, "In all fairness, I like the "Guerilla" script very much. I gave it up to find brother Jingrun. Such a good script, coupled with the director, is hard to think of not being popular."

It turned out that Xu Shilan also knew this was an opportunity.

Knowing it is an opportunity, but still willing to give up, this is true love!

Thinking of this, Su Mian quietly lowered his head and attached to Xu Shilan's ear, "You said I will call Major Huo, will he come right away!"


It is rare for Xu Shilan to be stern, "Who does he think he is? He really thinks he is the world's invincible number one in the universe. Everyone is waiting for him in place!"

"Yeah, didn't you wait for him? Then I will contact Luo Fang to help you on a blind date from tomorrow!"

"Dare you!" Xu Shilan bit her lip, saying so, but the person thinking in her heart is Huo Jingrun.

To tell the truth, she is now too hard to get off.

She likes Jing Run for so many years.

And Huo Jingrun now finally sees her heart clearly, Xu Shilan is not satisfied with the hindsight of this guy, if it weren't for Ram to propose to her, this dull gourd might be able to speak!

Su Mian is like the roundworm in her belly, "Sister Shilan, I think you should seize the opportunity sooner!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Major Huo now has a hard time trying to figure it out. You also know that because of his parents' relationship, he resisted marriage. Since he is now proposing to you, I should agree to him. Let me talk about it first, and you can slowly adapt to the rest! "

Xu Shilan's eyes were about to stare into copper bells.

I always knew that Su Mian was bolder and more avant-garde than her, an international student, but she was still frightened by her thoughts!

"This... isn't this bad!"

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