Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2339: Whoever wants to squeeze

What a big tone.

It seems that he alone represents the 61st Division.

Wei Zhenhui dare not say that!

Su Mian raised his head and gave him a straight eye.

Gao Yang even raised an eyebrow at Su Mian, the meaning is very obvious: This is the soldier brought by your great devil!

Su Mian had a headache, and it is estimated that Wei Zhenhui didn't even know that there was such a person.

Seeing Su Mian raising his head, Brother Gang shook his head triumphantly, "Why, be afraid, our teacher is the devil!"

Who doesn't know the big devil, he knows every recruit who picks up an egg.

But these few are as calm as before, and their expressions have not changed at all. Are they high in rank?

Su Mian wears casual clothes, and there is no level of recognition.

Brother Gang really felt that he was thinking too much, just these few recruits, what level they can have, maybe, just like Bai Dandan, they are the children of family members.

Thinking about it this way, Gang Gang's arrogance is even more arrogant!

He mentioned the Western Military Region and the Great Demon King, but the other party didn't say so, so he had to talk about it.

Su Mian only looked at him and continued to draw the cards, not apologizing, and said nothing.

Brother Gang directly furious.

He raised his hand and squeezed both hands into a quack, "Now young young people are so rude? I didn't hit women, but you are like this. It seems that I have to make an exception today!"

Otherwise, he would be here alone for a long time and no one else would pay attention to him.

After speaking, Brother Gang raised his fist and slammed straight down towards the desktop!

Can't hit people, can't hit the table yet?

You can't lose face when you say nothing, you have to make some noise!

The men over there were so scared that they covered their mouths.

"Isn't it? When Brother Gang drank, the tiger jin came up, what is his name to the table!"

"Brother Gang is awesome, what is he doing, doesn't his hand hurt when he hits the table?"

"You know what a fart, it means losing or not losing the battle!"

A few people didn't dare to look at it anymore. The table top was marble. Even if they train every day, their fists will grow fleshy.

I just closed my eyes for a long time and didn't hear any movement, and then when I opened my eyes, my eyeballs were all broken.

I saw the best-looking and weakest girl, pinching their steel brother's iron fist at this moment!

"Wipe! When did Brother Gang's fist become cotton, squeeze anyone who wants to squeeze it!"

"I think it was Gang Gang who had soft legs when he saw the little girl again!"

"Why don't I feel right, look at Brother Gang's forehead, you are all sweating, I'm afraid it was not held by a little girl!"

Only then did a few people see Brother Gang’s forehead, when a layer of fine sweat broke out!

Su Mian only used 30% of his strength, and everyone who was close to him could hear Brother Gang's bones creaking.

Brother Gang cried secretly.

His fist was held tightly by Su Mian, and he couldn't pull it out. At first glance, the force value was far above him.

Why is this girl so strong? Even a man can't get rid of it. Why did she grow up?

The problem is, his buddies are still staring at him, or he has knelt down and begged for mercy!

Now, he can only endure, and pretends to be very spineless, and said viciously to Su Mian, "You let go, a good man doesn't fight with a woman, let's go out singles if you have the ability!"

This is the only way that Brother Gang thought of to get away without losing face.

It's freezing cold outside, and there must be few people to see.

But unlike now, dozens of eyes are staring at him in the entire hall.

"Look, what games do the two of you play over there?"

"Why don't you break your wrist like this?"

"The question is, can a big man break his wrist with a girl?"

Brother Gang really wants to kneel, he can't do it, he's cheap, only then will he be fine!

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