Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2556: This wave of operations is awesome

Following the commander Wu is Wu Qiaoqiao and Bai Mu.

The white mother wiped her tears in a hurry as she walked, "Old Wu, what is going on, what happened to Dandan?"

Military Commander Wu usually has nothing to do with a quick temper, and when something happens, it is the firecrackers of the 30th night, just one point.

Just a few minutes ago, the white mother and the military commander were still enjoying the wonderful world of the two in the hot spring, but when the military commander was called out, his face remained dark.

Although the two had talked for a while at school, the white mother was still afraid of the military commander in her heart.

What's more, this man is still her backer for the rest of her life. In addition to making delicious meals for Commander Wu every day, she is extremely gentle at night.

In order to make Military Commander inseparable from her.

The face of the military commander in this meeting is still darker than the snowy day of the twelfth lunar month. This is something they have not had since they got married.

The white mother trot to follow behind, trying to take the military commander's arm, but was slammed away by the commander, "Your good daughter!"

Mother Bai was taken aback, but Wu Qiaoqiao was here, and Commander Wu was naturally Bai Dandan.

"Old Wu, Dandan is still young. What did she make mistakes? We will teach them carefully in the future. Whoever did not make mistakes when she was young," said the white mother in a kindly voice.

Her daughter understands that it is nothing more than the dream of being an official's wife, and she will not do anything out of the ordinary.

What she didn't know, Bai Dandan had long been distorted under her influence over the years.

Commander Wu stopped and glanced at her coldly, "I see her in a while, if you can still be so calm, I will give your last name!"

What else did the white mother want to say, but the commander choked with a sentence and forgot the words.

Wu Qiaoqiao followed them.

She felt that Bai Dandan must be calculating, the Dongchuang incident happened, so her father was so angry.

"Everything, Commander Wu is here."

I don't know who yelled, and a way flashed out in an instant in the cramped corridor full of people.

When the three of them walked into the room, the white mother paused for several seconds before confirming that it was her baby girl who was lying on the bed.

As a woman, how could she not understand what happened in this room?

Mother Bai couldn't help it anymore, she rushed towards Bai Dandan, "My poor daughter, which animal did it, I must kill her!"

Bai Dandan had been frightened by Su Mian before, but now he saw his own mother relieved for a long time, and cried out, "Mom, it was Su Mian who killed me. She gave Gazi the medicine, Gazi. Take me..."


This wave of operations is awesome.

Su Mian was about to applaud Bai Dandan.

As soon as the military commander came in and the supporter arrived, he directly beat him back.

This woman is really smart, and she can pretend to be acting. Normal people are really not her opponents.

But Su Mian is not afraid. As long as Gazi's medicine is vented to a woman, nothing can be detected.

When the white mother heard this, she turned around and rushed towards Su Mian fiercely, " on earth did we Dandan feel sorry for you, how did you harm her like this? Are you still worthy of being a soldier?"

Su Mian grabbed Bai Mu's wrist with one hand, "Please respect yourself and speak with evidence, otherwise you will slander the soldier. If you hit me now, I can sue you for assaulting the soldier!"

Su Mian's expression was faint, but it was this steady and indifferent that shocked the mother-in-law.

What Su Mian said was indeed the truth.

She didn't want to get into lawsuits.

The white mother cast her eyes at the military commander for help.

Commander Wu pulled her to his side, "You don't make trouble for me. Now let your daughter get dressed and the people from the Armed Forces Department are here!"

The Ministry of Armed Forces specializes in investigating cases related to military personnel.

Upon hearing these words, Bai Dandan shrank into the quilt again with fright, with a look of horror. Back then, Jiang Mengya was taken away by people from the Armed Forces Ministry, which she remembered all her life.

"Mom, I didn't do anything, I won't go, I won't go." Bai Dandan cried and yelled.

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