Liu Wenqing swallowed two saliva, she was also hungry, but as soon as she took a step, she saw the woman hanging from the pillar next to her with disheveled hair, crisscrossing her face and body, all traces of the whip.

Especially that face is **** and unclear.

Face is the most important thing for a woman, Liu Wenqing didn't dare to think about it. If she became like this, she would be dead.

"She..." Liu Wenqing covered her mouth and said nothing.

"See, this is the end of the escape. Do you think you can run a dog in this mountain? You can run a man, try it! No matter how powerful and powerful your family is, in this mountain, they can find Are you? Even if you find this, you can’t do anything. It’s only half an hour’s journey from here to country Y. They get us over and wait for someone to get back. It’s impossible. This kind of transaction has lasted for more than ten years, so you just accept your fate. Bar!"

Liu Wenqing shook his head and bit his finger firmly.

She won't really stay here for three months and then be sold?

She doesn't want it, she doesn't want it!

"Hurry up to eat, just one meal a day, you can suffer." Seeing her stupidity, the eldest sister couldn't help reminding her.

When Liu Wenqing heard it, he couldn't think of anything else. He grabbed a bun and took a bite, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, almost choking her to death.

The eldest sister scooped a bowl of cold water from the bucket and handed it to you, "Drink water."

Liu Wenqing choked and blushed, and he couldn't care about so much. It was better to drink a sip of water.

"Shall we just eat this?" Not even a pickle.

"I'm afraid our body can't stand it. Salt is added to the steamed buns."

Liu Wenqing did not speak any more, and ate three steamed buns in one breath.

After eating, Liu Wenqing followed everyone into the mountain, only then did they know why their fingers were so black.

To dig coal, their job is to dig coal on the top of the mountain, and then transport the coal to the mountainside with back baskets.

He kept working until the evening, but Liu Wenqing couldn't stand it for a long time.

If it weren't for the help of the eldest sister, she would have to get a whip.

At night, Liu Wenqing lay on the ground and didn't want to move, his eyelids couldn't be lifted.

Not to mention washing her face and taking a bath, she doesn't even have the strength to open her eyes now.

For several days, leaving early and returning late every day, one meal a day, Liu Wenqing was tortured so much that his previous hostility had disappeared.

Now I know to help others.

She couldn't sleep because of the pain all over her body at night, and she cried silently, covering her mouth.

The eldest sister secretly handed her a handkerchief, a new one, she was not willing to use it herself.

"It's useless to cry, you still have the strength to cry now. I want to go over three months quickly, sell me, and go to the master's house. I can do anything better than this."

Everyone else had the same idea with the eldest sister.

Liu Wenqing was educated, and she quickly realized that digging and transporting coal is not the goal. Their ultimate goal is to make these people tame and work hard at the owner's house.

Compared with this place, in the host's days it is heaven, who would even think of running away.

"Sister, are you really not planning to go back to your home again?"

"Save your life first, the woman who was beaten that day died."


Liu Wenqing didn't know what to say.

If you knew that there had been such a case, Jiang Zhengye used a whip to beat her that day, and she would not leave.

Thinking of the comfortable life in Jiang’s house in the past, even if she was alone in the Northeast, even though it was bleak, it was a thousand times stronger than this.

If her son can find her, Liu Wenqing swears that she must change and re-behave.

Early the next morning, Liu Wenqing developed a high fever and was unconscious.

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