At a glance, she saw Wei Zhenhui, her son who was standing upright in the front.

Liu Wenqing cried suddenly when his eyes were hot.

All the suffering, all the grievances these past few days, plus the excitement of seeing Wei Zhenhui, she could no longer control herself.

She knew that her son Wei Zhenhui would definitely come to rescue her.

When she cried like this, Biaozi immediately saw the clue, and the gun on her forehead tightened again, "Why, I saw my relatives? Which one is, stand up for me, or I will shoot now, 3, 2..."


Wei Zhenhui took a step forward, "I am willing to replace my mother with myself."

"No, Zhenhui, don't come over, he will kill you!" Liu Wenqing will not be afraid of death. She is afraid that Wei Zhenhui will die because of her. She already feels sorry for Wei Zhenhui and can no longer do anything to hurt him.

"Zhenhui, don't come here, as long as you forgive mom, mom will die without regret!"

Liu Wenqing has already figured it out these days.

She has always been a selfish person and never really thought about it for her family.

For so many years, she has always put herself first in her heart, and she has never really cared about anyone.

If there is a chance for atonement now, that is, death, she is also willing.

Liu Wenqing is now making up his mind not to hurt Wei Zhenhui.

"Zhenhui, Mom knows it was wrong. Thank you for not caring about me abandoning you for 26 years. I am not worthy of being your mother." Liu Wenqing said, looking at Biaozi, "You shoot."

Biaozi had a meal, never expected that this woman was not afraid of death at the critical moment.

Wei Zhenhui's heart is like a knife. The criminal pointed a gun at his mother. He cannot be indifferent.

Just an ordinary citizen, he would die to save him, not to mention that this person is his mother.

"I'll change my mother!" Wei Zhenhui took another step forward.

Biaozi immediately became alert.

"Stop the **** nonsense, are you a fool? You are a man, come here, come and subdue me?" Biaozi is not stupid. Although he can't understand the military rank on Wei Zhenhui's shoulder, the man has a strong momentum on him. Fear, the position will definitely not be lower.

"Prepare a car for us and let us out of the country, and I immediately let her go." Biaozi asked, Liu Wenqing was his only weight.

"Can't let him go, he is a trafficker who killed a thousand swords, and he still has a dozen abducted women in his hand!"


Biaozi slapped Liu Wenqing's forehead with a pistol, and a burst of blood appeared in an instant.

"Fucking nonsense, I shot you!"

Liu Wenqing's head was dizzy, she clenched her teeth.

What should she do, can't let her son exchange with her.

The son has a bright future. He is still young and has no children.

"You let my mother go, I'll go over!" Wei Zhenhui almost roared!

Biaozi smiled, "If you let us go, I will let her go. You don't have a car, you are not allowed to follow us!"

Biaozi had already taken the second place, knowing that preparing the car with black lights was a waste of time, and he had to leave China immediately to avoid long nights and dreams.

Suddenly, Liu Wenqing exhausted all his strength and slammed into Biaozi's stomach!


Biaozi couldn't stand firmly, and his figure shook a few times.

At this moment, all the special forces turned off their flashlights.

The entire tunnel suddenly plunged into darkness.

Except for two people, everyone else is just like a blind man.

Su Mian and Jing Feihong had discussed in advance, one kicked off Biaozi's pistol, and the other picked up Liu Wenqing and turned around and ran.

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