Don't look at A's usual evildoers, and he stalks Liu Wenhua like a butterfly all day.

Facing the elder Liu Wenqing, he was embarrassed.

So as soon as Liu Wenqing finished speaking, A's face flushed, "Thank you sister in advance!"

The small appearance is twisted and made, like a little daughter-in-law.

And Jiaojie screamed so smoothly!

If Su Mian hadn't heard it herself in this room today, she couldn't believe that A would have such a side.

She is a little curious now, the relationship between the two of them at that time!

Thinking that Su Mian was shocked by herself, she must have not eaten meat for a few days before thinking about this mess.

As a result, Liu Wenhua was able to speak and directly caused Su Mian's chin to fall to the ground.

"Since my sister has said so, daughter-in-law, don't be awkward!"

Su Mian swallowed a few mouthfuls.

"Daughter-in-law? A is the one below?" Su Mian stared at Liu Wenhua, looking up and down, looking left and right, really didn't find that he had an offensive attribute!

As a result, A walked up to his younger uncle and leaned in his arms, "I will stay away from those women in the future!"

Su Mian almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, she was really unpredictable.

Who would have thought that a person with such aggressive power as A would actually be the one below!

And Liu Wenhua, who usually seems to be eaten to death by A, turned out to be the one in charge!

Therefore, life is really unpredictable!

Su Mian was out of the ward with his younger uncle and A accompanied.

She was still not worried about Jing Xiangwan's research results, so she went around the corridor twice, and finally knocked on the door of Jing Xiangwan's laboratory.

Assistant Jing Xiangwan opened the door. The little girl was so busy that she nodded when she saw Su Mian, and then she sat on the test bench and started to observe again.

Su Mian changed into a sterile suit and walked in. Jing Xiangwan was in a meeting with several group leaders and did not notice her coming in.

Su Mian found a chair in the corner and sat down.

"Professor Jing, we have tried this method you proposed more than a dozen times. Are you sure you can achieve the results you want?"

"Professor Jing, I also have a question. We don't know if our experience in synthetic artificial insulin can use this?"

"Professor Jing, according to what you said, my subject experiment has also failed!"

Listening to the reports from several people, Jing Xiangwan fell into deep thought.

Su Mian understood that the experiment was blocked, everyone was brainstorming to find a solution, and some questioned it.

These are all normal, after all, this result is 9 years longer than the current one.

It also points out that Jing Xiangwan's current research results are definitely better than those in his previous life, and they are already moving in this direction.

Su Mian did it like an immortal showing the way, being late was a matter of course.

She now wants to help Jing Xiangwan again.

"Professor Jing, I have a suggestion!" Su Mian stood up and walked to them.

They have heard of the name of the supernatural doctor Su Mian, but they have only heard it. Doctors who are sitting in the laboratory engaged in academic research don't know much about clinical doctors.

Jing Xiangwan introduced to them, "This is Su Mian. I was inspired by her to get this idea."

Regardless of Jing Xiangwan's light and fluttering words, the others immediately respected Su Mian.

Can ordinary people inspire Professor Jing?

Professor Jing is at the leading level in genetic research in the world, and the people who can inspire Professor Jing Jing are definitely not ordinary people.

Jing Xiangwan looks at Su Mian's eyes differently from others, especially at this time, it is a life-saving straw, "Su Mian, tell me what you think!"

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