"Well, Su Mian might have something unspeakable. I understand her, she is not that kind of person, and she saved my life!"

Jing Xiangwan believed in Su Mian's character, and instinctively told her that Su Mian seemed to have met the results of her research on this subject long ago.

That is, if she really wants to steal the results, there is no need to remind her.

She didn't know Su Mian for a day or two, she still believed in Su Mian's character.

What makes Jing Xiangwan puzzled is that Su Mian is usually low-key, and looks indifferent to everything.

In this matter, Su Mian seemed to be particularly active.

Jing Xiangwan felt that if she had the opportunity, she had to talk to Su Mian in person to see what her purpose was.

As for Su Mian's stealing of her achievements, there is no such thing.

Jing Xiangwan has a unique vision, she is very optimistic about Su Mian.

Su Mian's talents in viruses and genes will certainly be able to show off on the international stage in a few years.

"What happened to you? Maybe I planned to approach you from then on. Don't forget, you are an internationally renowned expert. Although Su Mian is a genius doctor, how could she be the vice president of the Virus Association without you? ?"

Jing Xiangwan:...

Anyway, Yang Li couldn't listen to what she said, and she didn't even argue with her anymore. Before leaving, she specifically asked, "Remember, you guys, don't trouble Su Mian, I will ask about this clearly! "

This week, Jing Xiangwan is really tired. She needs a good night's sleep and then talk to Su Mian.

Jing Xiangwan has a habit of not making any decisions when she is too tired.

After Jing Xiangwan left, Yang Li also took her bag out of the office. After two years of hard work, she ended up with such a result in the end.

Yang Li felt that she couldn't eat for three days.

Walking on the boulevard of the hospital, kicking the stones irritably, when he looked up, he saw two people.

The man was cold and solemn, and his long legs were particularly noticeable.

The woman birdie walked beside him quietly, smiling brightly, and the setting sun gilded the two of them.

From a distance, they are really a beautiful couple.

The corner of Yang Li's mouth twitched.

It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless.

She was thinking about going to Su Mian to settle the account tomorrow, but Su Mian took the initiative to send it to the door.

Yang Li walked to the two of them in a few steps and stopped the way.

"Su Mian, I want to talk to you about something."

Yang Li usually speaks violently, and now she is very rude.

Wei Zhenhui's eyes narrowed. Before he could speak, Su Mian had already spoken, "Zhenhui, you go back first, and help me tell my parents. I'll go there later."

Wei Zhenhui stood still. If he used to ask about his wife's work, the female doctor seemed to be unkind at first sight.

Especially the anger in her eyes was not hidden at all.

Seeing that he didn't move, Su Mian embraced his arm coquettishly, "Why, I'm afraid your wife will be bullied, don't forget, the soldiers under your hand are not my opponents!"

Wei Zhenhui's eyebrows trembled, and he felt that he was a little too worried. Then he raised his hand and rubbed her little head, "Today Dad's birthday, don't be late!"


In order to make Wei Zhenhui leave faster, Su Mian pushed him forward for several steps, only to turn back when he saw people walking far away.

Su Mian did not want Wei Zhenhui to know about going to Country S.

Yang Li looked at the two people sprinkling dog food in front of her without any scruples, her eyes turned dizzy.

This person is really the legendary cold-faced devil in the military area, this is too much to spoil his wife!

Su Mian just looks pretty. If the big devil knows what his wife has done, would he still be spoiled?

Therefore, when Su Mian turned around, Yang Li's face became colder.

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