In the distance, Shang Guilan supported the old lady Jing and looked at the whole tail.

"Mom, you used to speak for Su Mian before, but if you look at how crazy she is, you don't seem to regret it!" Shang Guilan didn't expect that she accompanied her mother-in-law to walk around and watched such a big show.

Before the Jing family wanted to recognize Su Mian, she couldn't get in a word.

Even her husband and daughter spoke for Su Mian.

Had it not been for Su Mian's denial, Su Mian would now be the granddaughter of the Jing family.

It's all right now. With such an incident, Su Mian wants to recognize the Jing family again, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

Thinking of this, Shang Guilan secretly glanced at Mrs. Jing's face.

Sure enough, it was a lot more gloomy than before.

Even with her toes, her mother-in-law was absolutely dissatisfied with Su Mian.

Jing Xiangwan is the heart of the old lady, even if Su Mian is the old lady's granddaughter, I am afraid that she will be dissatisfied at this moment.

Besides, Su Mian never grew up in front of the old lady, relying on her mother.

Seeing that the old lady was silent, Shang Guilan called out again, "Mom, let's go back for dinner, the second sister will definitely be able to go home for dinner today."

Jing Xiangwan has been rushing to the subject for a week, eating and lodging in the office, and has not been home for more than a week.

Old lady Jing nodded, staring at Su Mian's direction for a moment, and finally shook her head.

People's hearts are unpredictable. Looking at a little girl who is so indifferent, it turns out that she has such a means.

When Shang Guilan got home, she learned what she had seen from Jing Li. Jing Li was trimming the flowers. After hearing her words, she almost cut the flower bones.

"Guilan, are you running the train again, why would Su Mian do such a thing?"

Jing Li didn't believe it. Based on what he knew about Su Mian, Su Mian was not the kind of kid who would forget his righteousness. Otherwise, he would have known the Jing family a long time ago, and he still has to use it until now.

He negotiated with the old woman, and in order to compensate Su Mian's mother, he decided to allocate half of the property under his name to Su Mian.

When they passed Qing Dan, Su Mian didn't even look at it, so he refused.

Half of the Jing family's property is enough to compete with the entire Jiang family.

Shang Guilan was so spitting that he didn't believe it.

She had no choice but to push the old lady Jing out, "Mom, tell your dad, did I lie a word just now!"

Jing Li glanced at the old woman, only to realize that her face was not good, so he quickly put down the scissors and walked to sit down beside her.

"What's wrong? Guilan is telling the truth?"

The old lady nodded and smashed her mouth for a long time, "People's hearts are unpredictable, I think I will push the matter about Su Mian!"

Jing Li quit, "I don't believe it. My granddaughter is not that kind of person! Unless she tells me in front of me that it must be the truth when she is forced to ask by outsiders? Besides, my granddaughter can't have any unspeakable concealment!"

After that, she pointed to the old lady Jing Jing, "Superficial!"

Shang Guilan was overjoyed when she heard her mother-in-law say that she would postpone her recognition of Su Mian. If she met her father-in-law, she poured cold water on her again.

In fact, she didn't want Su Mian to come in, but the property that her parents-in-law gave to Su Mian was too much.

Half of the Jing family!

Who is not jealous?

Who is not tempted?

It's her daughter, the old lady is so spoiled, and she didn't see so much wealth for Xin'er!

Shang Guilan's eyes rolled around, thinking how to convince Jing Li, when Jing Xiangwan came back.

After leaving the office, she didn't go straight home, and walked for a while in the woods behind the hospital.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, and I always felt that Su Mian was deliberately very obvious this time, as if to cover up something.

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