Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2582: Brother Hui knows this

Shang Guilan's chest was ups and downs with anger, is her daughter stupid?

At this time, he actually helped Su Mian to speak.

If it weren't for Jing Liangping in front of her, she would definitely have to say something about it.

At this time, Jing Liangping put down the newspaper, only said, "Don't mess around with me," and then went upstairs.

Obviously, Shang Guilan's words were not taken into consideration.

Shang Guilan rolled his eyes directly, what is called blind participation, he is away all year round, and he doesn't know how expensive oil is.

It's fine if you don't think about it for yourself, and don't think about it for the two children. Fortunately, Jing Feihong said that men will always go up step by step.

But Jing Xin'er is a female soldier. Could it be that he can still be a special soldier for a lifetime, and there will always be a day of retreat. At that time, there is no need to spend money for anything. The Jing family is a big family, and the followers are many times more than others.

And the old couple gave Su Mian not a little bit.

Shang Guilan opened the chattering box when the door was closing upstairs, "Xin'er, you have to think about yourself, and your parents can’t support you for a lifetime. Look at your grandparents. In order to recognize Su Mian, you can’t wait to take the whole Jing family Give it to her!"

Jing Xin'er bit an apple and was amused by her, "Mom, look at what you said, there is no whole, it's half of it. It was made by grandparents to compensate Su Mian and the three of them."

"That's too much. I gave it to her. How do we live?" Shang Guilan was dissatisfied.

For so many years, she has been taking care of the old lady in front of her, and she has inherited the Jing family from generation to generation. How could she not be better than a daughter who died prematurely?

"Mom, don't worry about it. Su Mian and his brother grew up in the countryside. Her mother suffered for a lifetime and died long ago. That's why grandparents want to compensate Su Mian. We are living well, so don't you Eat that flying vinegar!"

"That's not OK."

Shang Guilan squinted, "Your grandfather is your father a son, and your brother is a grandson, so you have to give our family more points!"

The four children are equally divided into one quarter, and if half is given to Su Mian, there is not much left.

Besides, their family is still the eldest son and grandson, and they will inherit the Jing family in the future.

Jing Xin'er didn't speak, no one could tell her what her mother was looking for.

However, Su Mian did a high-profile incident this time, and she had to ask her sister-in-law what she meant.

She can't do what her mother says.

Shang Guilan muttered for half an hour by herself, probably meaning that life is not easy, and it is mostly not easy to raise her with Jing Feihong.

The central idea is one: money is a good thing.

These words, Jing Xiner heard from a young age, if it weren't for joining the special forces team and knowing Su Mian and Luo Fang, she would have thought that this was the whole life.

But now she doesn't think so. In addition to money, people also have dreams.

Su Mian opened the door of the ward, laughing and laughing unexpectedly, and the family stared at her seriously.

Especially Wei Zhenhui, whose face looked like a layer of frost, Su Mian suspected that if there were only the two of them, Wei Zhenhui would have her heart.

"I'm back!" Su Mian pretended to say hello easily.

Jiang Zhengye nodded with Liu Wenqing.

Uncle A and A winked at her.

Wei Zhenhui's eyes were like ice skates, and he never left when he fell on her.

Su Mian walked up to him, took his arm, and asked in a low voice, "Dad's birthday today, why are you holding your face?"

The daughter-in-law is so courageous!

He made that kind of decision unilaterally, and now he has the face to ask him why he is shaking his face?

Wei Zhenhui's dark eyes narrowed, his aura opened up, and Su Mian suddenly felt guilty.

Brother Hui knows this?

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