Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2584: Brother Hui is also a way of life

Su Mian knew that she shouldn't hide it from him.

Wei Zhenhui is his husband, but he is not the first to know about this kind of thing.

He must feel uncomfortable, so he deliberately ignored himself just now.

But if she really discussed it with him, how would Wei Zhenhui agree?

"You know it's wrong?" Wei Zhenhui put Su Mian on it. Su Mian didn't pay attention, and his nose hit the back of his head with a loud noise.

Wei Zhenhui just snorted, as if a little gloating, "Tell me what you think?"

Wei Zhenhui is not a person who is good at showing emotions, but it is about Su Mian, he will be an exception.

He didn't want to repeat the mistakes of his previous life. In this life, he didn't want to be separated from Su Mian a little bit.

Su Mian also knew that Wei Zhenhui forgave her by asking.

"Aunt Jing is getting older. In case something should happen, I'm afraid she will make a mistake. Chief Jing has lost my mother. I don't want him to lose a daughter. I'm different. I'm a special soldier, and I have the same vision. Hearing is better than ordinary people, even if a bullet hits, I can dodge it. Ordinary mercenaries are not my opponent at all, Brother Hui, don't worry, I will stand in front of you peacefully!"

I thought that Wei Zhenhui would nod his head, at least one sentence, but Wei Zhenhui directly put Su Mian down and turned around, his eyes black as ink.

Wei Zhenhui had never seen Su Mian with this look, which made Su Mian a little nervous.

"Brother Hui, I'm telling the truth, what do you see in my eyes?"


Wei Zhenhui stretched out a hand to pinch Su Mian's chin, lifted it slowly, and stared at him.

He never knew that his wife had started to lie to him.

The force on the lower jaw became stronger and stronger, and Su Mian groaned in pain, "Brother Hui, if you have something to say, the gentleman speaks but doesn't move!"

"Say well, Su Mian, have you told me well? Is this the attitude you should have when you apologize?" Wei Zhenhui was really angry. His eyes were bright and dark in the moonlight, like rolling anger.

"Brother Hui...I don't know what you are talking about?"

Wei Zhenhui did not answer her, but put his hands in his pockets, and then took out his fists, "Now tell me, which hand do I have coins?"


What does Wei Zhenhui mean?

He knows that her supernatural powers have disappeared?

When did he discover it?

"Why don't you tell me? Can't you see it?"

Of course, Su Mian can't admit it, just say that there is still 50% hope, "Brother Hui, you really make me guess, I can see the human organs, you let me guess whether the coin is too pediatric? "

Wei Zhenhui's eyes flickered. Su Mian used the lights to go to the toilet these nights. She didn't need it before. Even if there was no moon and the room was dark, she didn't need to turn on the lights.

Therefore, he believed in his own judgment.

"Show me the proof." Wei Zhenhui stretched two fists to Su Mian.

Su Mian scolded Ju Niang inwardly.

Who says women are suspicious detectives? Men are so special!

Su Mian pretended to calmly grabbed Wei Zhenhui's right hand, but stared at Wei Zhenhui. Unfortunately, this man's eyes were as sharp as an eagle. They were exactly the same as before, without any flaws.

Su Mian had to raise his right hand.

"This? Are you sure?"

Su Mian was pretty sure at first, but he hesitated when he asked, Su Mian grabbed his left hand again, "This!"

Wei Zhenhui's eyes narrowed, and both palms were opened at the same time, all empty.

Su Mian:...

This man will do routines anytime.

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