Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2587: Does this count as cheating?

Jing Li didn't speak, he kept looking down at the newspaper, even when Mrs. Jing spoke, he didn't look up.

Shang Guilan is a bit uncertain at this moment.

There are generally two situations in which the old man reacts.

One is disdain, too lazy to talk to the old lady and let her make trouble by herself.

The other is that he has an idea in his mind, but he has not yet reached the point of expressing his opinion.

Therefore, Shang Guilan's heart is not at ease when he has not expressed his attitude.

It seemed that she had to burn another fire to make the Jing family completely disappointed in Su Mian.

Moderator: It seems that Dr. Su is really familiar with this technology, so what else do you want to say to the audience in front of the TV?

Su Mian: I have talked a lot about it, it's all about technology. Next, I have a piece of good news that everyone has revealed.

The host raised his eyebrows: Oh, I look forward to it very much.

Su Mian: Regarding the technology of artificial gene synthesis, I have already applied for the Nobel Prize. Everyone, please wait for the good news!

The host applauded: Congratulations to Su Mian, it is really great news, and I hope you can use this technology to save more patients in need.

Su Mian: Yes, the invention of synthetic genes fills the domestic and international gaps. Using this technology, even the human body's genes can be improved.

The host was surprised: Wow, so powerful, if I am stupid, through genetic improvement, can I become smart?

Su Mian smiled and nodded: In theory, this is the case. I believe that within a few years, your dream will be realized.

Moderator: That's amazing. I look forward to it. I believe the audience in front of the TV must be like me.

Jing Xiangwan's office.

Yang Li directly beat the table: Fuck, too shameless, she actually... applied for the Nobel Prize! ! ! We haven't applied yet, why is she? Don't stop me, I will demolish Su Mian tonight!

The little assistant stopped her and filled her with righteous indignation: Sister Yang, let's go together, none of them are Su Mian's opponents, not to mention that there is a big demon beside her, let's drown her with saliva!

Doctor A: Today I finally learned what is, the cheapest is invincible! From now on, I will commit a crime, and none of you will stop me. I won't be famous for a lifetime if I don't commit mischief!

Doctor B: Didn't you say you want to call? It's over if you don't play the live broadcast!


Doctor A dialed the phone in the live broadcast room and was quickly connected.

Moderator: "Hello, this audience, you are very lucky, now the connection is successful, what do you want to say to Dr. Su?"

Doctor A: "I just want to ask her one question."

Moderator: "Okay, if you ask, I will pass it on."

Doctor A: I would like to ask God Doctor Su what is the principle of synthetic gene synthesis this time?

Moderator: "Thank you for the audience's question. I have been busy asking about the effect and almost forgot the most basic things. Then, Dr. Su, you can answer."

Others may not pay attention, but Su Mian knows that the person who can ask this question must be a doctor, and it is deliberately aimed at her.

Over the past few days, almost 99% of the people in the entire military region have talked about her behind their backs. There are even more sarcasm about her. Su Mian is afraid that he doesn’t even know the principle, and it’s a joke that Su Mian has to go to country S to communicate on behalf of her.

Su Mian smiled, and then said, "The audience asked the question really underestimated me. After all, I have been concerned about synthetic genes for some time. If I can't answer such a simple question, wouldn't I be sorry for my genius doctor? title."

Because Su Mian now loses his supernatural functions, and his memory is not as good as before.

Originally she could speak, but in order to be a good word, she could only ask Wenwen to read the correct answer to her.

He said one sentence, and she followed.

Does this count as cheating?

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