Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2589: Won't my conscience hurt?

"you say."

The old lady Jing's heart is naturally biased towards the daughter-in-law, after all, the daughter-in-law belongs to the Jing family, and Su Mian is from the Jiang family.

"Mom, Su Mian can't be a special soldier for the rest of her life. She always has to return to the agency. It seems that she used to approach the second sister to help her pave the way. You see Su Mian is now beautiful. So our hospital With the pharmaceutical factory, you really have to keep it tight."

This is true.

When Su Mian becomes pregnant, she will definitely not stay in the special team. With her medical skills, it is most likely to go to a military hospital or military medical university to do research.

Regardless of that path, it is always inseparable from medicine.

This girl is so ambitious that she has to guard against it.

Originally, she and the old man really wanted to hand over the hospital and the pharmaceutical factory to Su Mian. After all, Su Mian's abilities were there.


Thinking of this, I looked at Xiang Jing Xiangwan, "You are saying something, just let her communicate on your behalf?"

"What can I do? The invitation letter has been sent. I was planning to apply for the accompanying trip, but Su Mian refused!"

Jing Xiangwan was rather helpless, she really didn't understand why Su Mian did such an amazing job.

When Shang Guilan heard this, she immediately shouted, "Huh? Su Mian can do anything like this? How could she be like this? Defending the second sister and anti-thief?"

After speaking, I found something was wrong, and immediately changed my words, "As for guarding the second sister like this? It must be a guilty conscience, afraid that the second sister will steal her limelight!"

She had a loud voice, so she said, even Jing Li, who had always been calm, looked sideways.

Old Mrs. Jing's brows were even more frowning to pinch flies, "Su Mian is too much! Old man, if you confess Su Mian again, I will divorce you!"

Jing Li: "..."

He continued to read the newspaper, and he didn't want to make a conclusion until the matter became clear.

With the words of her mother-in-law, Shang Guilan's heart is finally at ease.

It was really Su Mian who was too authoritative, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to stop Su Mian from Jing's house so quickly.

Special Forces.

People in the special team have heard about Su Mian's replacement for Jing Xiangwan's going abroad these days.

After all, I worked with Su Mian before, and I didn't feel embarrassed to say anything. After watching the live broadcast now, there were a few straight-tempered, tempered Northeast soldiers that couldn't stand it!

"Mom, I didn't expect Su Mian to be this kind of person, not to mention stealing other people's achievements, she also took the initiative to apply for the Nobel Prize, who gave her face?"

"I think I just don't want to participate in the special forces operation. After all, people's current military medals can't be hanged on a piece of clothing, so it looks like we have a collective third-class skill. Besides, confronting old B, I am afraid of death!"

"She's really good, the special team is run by her family? If you don't want to participate, you won't participate, and you can go abroad for exchanges!"

"Who makes a man of a family a great demon king, and a husband’s family is the Jiang family, who can afford it!"

"What's wrong with the big devil? What's wrong with the Jiang family? Su Mian is trying to discredit the special forces and let her get out of the special forces!"

"Right, right, get out of the special team!"

Luo Fang had been listening for a while, and seeing these people getting more and more talking, finally let Su Mian get out of the special team.

Luo Fang came over directly with his sleeves rolled up, and rubbed his hands together, "Whoever is itchy, let me relax!"

Luo Fang and Su Mian had the best relationship, and the soldiers shut up as soon as they saw her.

After all, I can't beat this aunt!

"That we are talking about for fun!" A soldier smiled.

"Fart! The reputation of the soldiers is what you say casually? Do you know the truth? You are here blind BB, when Su Mian led you to make contributions, and you never said thank you. Now you are so anxious to get into trouble? For the soldiers, you insulted the comrades who used to fight with you. Wouldn't your conscience hurt?"

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