Shang Guilan followed Shang Xue's gaze, and she didn't understand her thoughts.

The big devil is really a pet to his wife, tusk, in the public... really hot eyes.

She didn't understand, what is so good about Su Mian? Does Wei Zhenhui spoil her like this?

If so, it would be difficult for Shang Xue to take the Great Demon over.

"Xiaoxue, I have to fight for my own happiness, others can't help me!" Shang Guilan reminded.

If the Jiang family is a small family, without pressure from the business, the big devil will come over obediently.

But for a family like the Jiang family, Shang Xue could only find a way.

Shang Xue was excellent in every aspect, especially she looked more feminine than Su Mian. It was not like playing a big demon king. Shang Guilan had confidence in her.

"Aunty, I know."

Shang Xuezhen paid attention to Su Mian, a little girl under 20 years old who couldn't have children and had no family background, so he could fight with her for anything.

She only appeared when Wei Zhenhui wanted to get married, and she was Wei Zhenhui's true love.

Which man can refuse such a good self?

Thinking of the man's greedy gaze when he looked at her, Shang Xue became more confident.

After the wedding banquet, Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui went out.

Su Mian didn't know what was going on today. One meal was superbly eaten, almost three times the usual, so that Wei Zhenhui kept picking her vegetables, but he didn't eat much.

I had never been so hungry for a few days of missions in a row before.

"Brother Hui, if I can eat fat, would you not be able to support me?"

Sometimes women are like this. They know the answer, and they have to let their loved ones say it.

Wei Zhenhui scraped her little nose dozingly, "Daughter-in-law, I have to work hard, I find that I can no longer support you!"

"What do you mean, don't you think I eat too much?"

"No, I think I earn less!"

This bastard!

Su Mian took the opportunity of holding his arm and pinched fiercely.

Wei Zhenhui still had a smile on his eyebrows, as if Su Mian pinched someone else.

It is a good thing for a wife to be able to eat, to be able to eat and to be healthy, to be able to eat to be pregnant, and give him a few more babies at that time.

After thinking about it, the corners of Wei Zhenhui's lips raised unconsciously, "Wait for me, I will go to the bathroom."


Su Mian was speechless, he was really a **** who had a lot of **** and urine!

He hadn't just been there before eating.

Su Mian stood at the door waiting for him, watching the crowd walking out, when a tall and beautiful figure walked up to her.

Su Mian was stunned, and she was sure she didn't know him.

"Su Mian, hello, this is Shang Xue."

Shang Xue dressed up very fashionable, the beige long skirt inside set off her complexion and temperament, and the black cashmere coat was more feminine.

Su Mian smiled, "Hello!"

She has a fire recently, and a lot of people know her.

Shang Xue looked familiar, and when he came over, he pulled Su Mian's hand.

"I've heard of you a long time ago. I didn't expect that when I rejected the Great Demon King, he would choose you." He said, looking up and down Su Mian.

Su Mian was really dumbfounded.

She refused Wei Zhenhui?

She had no impression of Shang Xue in her previous life, and she was tortured like that by Jiang Yi in the past few years. How could she have time to pay attention to other women.

Shang Xue in front of him claimed to have rejected Wei Zhenhui, what does it mean to find him now!

"Thank you for your refusal, otherwise I won't be able to marry him." Su Mian smiled lightly, making the magnificent and delicate surroundings lose their color.

Wanting to find a sense of presence in her, Shang Xue is afraid that she has found the wrong place.

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