Wei Zhenhui can definitely do this kind of thing. This man has lived for two lifetimes with a thick skin.

Su Mian could only grit his teeth and squeeze out two words from his teeth, "No."

Wei Zhenhui breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of Su Mian's misunderstanding, so he didn't tell her just now.

As a result, Shang Xue took advantage of the loopholes.

"I know you very well? In addition, we have only met three times this time, and each conversation does not exceed five minutes. If this is considered familiar, then I really doubt Miss Shang's character!"

The moment Wei Zhenhui turned his head, his aura opened up, and his surroundings dropped several degrees.

The ice ballast is not for nothing!

Shang Xue was wearing a cashmere coat and suddenly shivered all over.

His complexion alternated in innocence, and it took a long time to calm down.

She knew that Wei Zhenhui had said this deliberately, and in front of his wife, he would definitely not dare to show it, she could understand him.

But I knew that Wei Zhenhui's words were told to Su Mian, but after all, it was a fact, and it still made her extremely embarrassed.

The people around knew about the big devil and Su Mian, and the big devil's favored wife was known by several military districts.

What happened to Shang Xue coming up right now?

Looking at the attitude of the big devil again, it is really cruel.

A few have been watching since the beginning.

"This girl said that she rejected the Great Demon King because she went abroad. This will make Su Mian leave and she can give her as much money as she wants!"

"Yeah, it's really shameless. Don't worry about why she left. People are married now. Will she come over to be a junior?"

"Little Si is useless, the big devil is kind to his wife, and the needle can't be inserted, let alone a big living person!"

The people around pointed and pointed, and Shang Xue flushed with anger.

One day they will know the truth, and then these people will just wait for a face slap!

In front of Wei Zhenhui, she was naturally hard to defend.

She has to maintain her reasonable, gentle and pleasant personality.

Today, it seems that there is no bargain, and Shang Xue decided to take the 36th plan.

Anyway, she won't stop without Wei Zhenhui.

"Zhenhui, I still have something to do. Let's go first and see you next time." Shang Xue finished speaking and fled.

Looking at Shang Xue's embarrassed back, Su Mian giggled, and then he tiptoed up and kissed Wei Zhenhui's side cheek, "Good performance." Su Mian praised.

"How does the daughter-in-law reward me?"

Su Mian raised her eyebrows and wanted to reward her, she just gave it.

This man really has an inch!

"not enough."

Wei Zhenhui leaned behind her ear, "You are on it at night!" The wife was lazy and rarely took the initiative.

Unless Su Mian was drunk crazy, it was a long time ago since Su Mian was drunk.

A little nostalgic.

Ahem, Wei Zhenhui's unconscious eyes were dark.

"You play triumphantly!" Su Mian shook him off and walked directly out. This man was playing hooligans every minute.

Wei Zhenhui chased after her with a sullen smile, and put her arms around her shoulders, "Daughter-in-law, we will have a mission in a week. It's a rare holiday. You should reward me and I will cook for you in the evening!"

Speaking of cooking, Su Mian turned to look at him, "Do you have a place?" The hotel where they have been staying every day.

"You'll know in a moment!"

Wei Zhenhui first took Su Mian to the hospital to see Liu Wenqing and Jiang Zhengye. Jiang Zhengye asked about the wedding.

After that, Wei Zhenhui took Su Mian to a villa outside the city.

"Why didn't I know that the Jiang family had a villa here?"

Wei Zhenhui didn’t have the consciousness of being found in the small treasury, and took Su Mian’s hand, “Grandpa bought it before, but he never had time to live. Then I gave me the key when I went to the Southern Military Region. You know, you’re not here, where I sleep. It's all the same, I've only been here a few times."

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