At the same time, Old B and Bai Dandan were sitting under the seats. The two had already pretended to be, and they couldn't tell who they were if they didn't look carefully.

"Brother B, when shall we do it."

Bai Dandan now sees Su Mian, just like a mad dog that has been hungry for a few days when he sees meat, he can't wait to go up and bite now!

"Not urgent."

Although old B didn't find the special forces, the security work here is doing well. At this time, it is difficult for them to get out. "Look for another opportunity, anyway, we have one day."

Bai Dandan is now completely relying on reason to suppress, otherwise, she would have killed Su Mian long ago.

How could this be? She can't go back if she has a country, and she can't go back if she has a home, so Su Mian can actually learn everywhere.

Human, really.

Wrong step by step.

Since Su Mian married the Great Demon King, his whole life has gone.

Look at her again. Compared with Su Mian, one is as high as colorful clouds, and the other is as low as dirt and grass.

Therefore, today is to stop her life, she also wants Su Mian to die.

Behind the ceiling of the top, four snipers are on standby at any time.

Wei Zhenhui is also lurking in it. He is using face recognition technology to perform recognition and comparison one by one.

The recognition technology of this era is still relatively backward, the recognition speed is slow, and because of the angle problem, more than a dozen people in the southern half are in blind spots and have not been able to recognize them.

Wei Zhenhui can't move right now, so he can only change his position and angle when he takes a break.

"Okay, deputies, now is the time for on-site questions. Ms. Su Mian has already introduced us in detail the principles, applications, effects and development prospects of synthetic genes. So, if you have any questions, you can ask Ms. Su Mian. "

The host first said it in English and then in several other languages.

The girls next to Shang Xue raised their hands together.

When the host saw a question from a Chinese girl, he walked up to them.

"How many are Chinese soldiers?"


"If you have any questions, you can ask now."

"I want to ask Ms. Su Mian, what is the basic principle of synthetic genes?"

She had just finished asking, and then there was a roar of laughter at the scene.

This question was asked by Su Mian on the day of the live broadcast. Anyone who has watched the live broadcast should never forget that question. Su Mian answered perfectly.

Su Mian looked over and saw Shang Xue sitting next to the questioner at a glance.

What's still unclear about this is obviously Shang Xue's intentional instigation.

Su Mian's face immediately became cold. Instead of looking at the questioner, he looked at the host, "I also have a request, please give the speaker the most basic respect. The questions she raised I have already done during the live broadcast. Textbook-like explanation, and in my communication content, I also deliberately further elaborated the principle!

It is excusable for this colleague not to watch the live broadcast. Didn’t you just listen to what I said seriously?

I am deeply saddened by this. I have brought this technology that contributes to all mankind here, just to let more people know it, and let more people in need understand it.

Instead, invite those who have no respect for academics to fill the numbers here! "

After Su Mian finished speaking, the audience fryed the pan directly.

They are all academics, and they are more straightforward!

"Yes, this kind of sloppy person doesn't deserve to sit here, please go out!"

"We are here for academic exchanges, not a vegetable market, please the organizing committee to invite people who are unreasonable to make trouble out!"

Most of the people here are well-known scholars, and they are in awe of knowledge and technology. Su Mian's words inadvertently aroused their anger!

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