Shang Xue really admired Su Mian's acting skills.

It hasn't been five minutes since Professor Jing left here, and he's gone after a while.

Besides, the security work in the building is so well done, how did the terrorist organization get in? Just as this is a vegetable market, whoever wants to come will come.

How did Su Mian know that they have been together all the time, and she can predict the future will not happen. Want to scare her, also find a better reason and time.

"Su Mian, you continue to act. When do I think you can act? Professor Jing has disappeared, and then, is it kidnapped by a terrorist organization, and then ask her for the research results of the subject, and then do human experiments!"

Shang Xue must applaud himself, this story is awesome!

Su Mian hadn’t spoken yet, Xia Lili ran in from the outside in a panic. She didn’t expect Su Mian to be there, but she couldn’t take care of that much, "Xiaoxue, it’s not good, Professor Jing is gone. They said they were kidnapped by a terrorist organization. The special forces are being evacuated, and we must leave here as soon as possible."

After listening to Xia Lili's words, Shang Xue looked dazed.

She really suspected that her ears were broken, or that she had auditory hallucinations.

How did Xia Lili say the same as what she said just now!

This is not true!

"Lily, you...what nonsense are you talking about, where's the terrorist organization? Special...Special Forces, you said the Special Forces are also here?"

Xia Lili thought that Shang Xue was frightened and shook her arm severely, "Xiaoxue, hurry up, it's not safe here, I just saw the big devil, carrying people from the special forces to search around!"

"Wei Zhenhui... is he here too?"

"Yes, what I saw with my own eyes can't be wrong. Now the whole building is on guard, and the terrorist organization hides in the building with Professor Jing!"

Shang Xue opened her mouth, her mind was as if she had been gnawed by a dog, she couldn't turn around.

Su Mian had no time to look at her and turned and left.

The entire building was under the control of the Special Forces and Interpol for a long time. When Old B brought Jing Xiangwan to the gate, the door was blocked by the Interpol with live ammunition!

The reaction was so fast, it has been less than three minutes since they kidnapped Jing Xiangwan!


They got it!

Old B and Bai Dandan took Jing Xiangwan and quickly hid in a warehouse on the third floor.

"What should Brother B do now? We seem to have been in an ambush!" Bai Dandan is not stupid. The other party is clearly prepared. The Interpol is here, and the Huaguo special team must be there.


Old B burst into a swear word. The building has 12 floors. The special forces are moving quickly. They will find this in a few minutes.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go to the top floor in a while." After speaking, Old B handed Jing Xiangwan to Bai Dandan's hand. He turned on the communication equipment, "You guys create chaos on the 5/8/10 floor, and cover my evacuation. !"


After a while, Kung Fu explosions sounded everywhere, and Old B dragged Jing Xiangwan and rushed out, "Hurry up, it's too late if it's too late!"

The whole building originally planned to arrange this meeting for Su Mian, but today I don’t know what happened, so suddenly three more meetings were arranged.

The total number is as many as two thousand people. At this moment, there are explosions, shouts and shouts, and there is chaos.

Bai Dandan quickly changed into his clothes. Old B glanced at her without saying a word, and the two dragged Jing Xiangwan into the crowd.

More than a dozen people in the special team had been dispersed by the flustered crowd, and Su Mian got out of the bathroom and went straight to the top floor.

"Brother Hui, I'm going to the top floor, where are you?"

"Brother Hui?"

Su Mian cursed secretly, their communication was cut off!

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