When the communication was interrupted, Su Mian also had an intuitive hunch that Old B would bring Jing Xiangwan to the top floor.

The gate and roof of the first floor have long been covered with sky. Old B can't escape with his wings. The only way is to wait for the helicopter to rescue him.

Of course, the higher the floor, the better, so Su Mian decisively decided to start the search from the 12th floor.

It is very inconvenient to move without the visual system.

If this were the case before, she would be able to draw a three-dimensional model of the building at will, and the location of old B could be determined based on the number of people.

Now I can only rely on experience, and I have to be careful with 12 points.

The flow of people gradually dwindled, and Su Mian finally rushed to the top floor.

This floor is quiet, and the people in the special forces have not arrived yet, and the people in the house must have run away early.

The corridors were empty and all the doors of the rooms were closed.

This makes Su Mian more certain that old B is on this floor.

People who fled in panic would never think of closing the door.

Old B did this, on the one hand, he wanted to delay time, and on the other hand he could make a cold shot.

Su Mian's current hearing is the same as that of ordinary people. Only by walking to the door to make a careful distinction can he determine whether there is anyone inside.

Su Mian held a gun in one hand and a military dagger in the other, carefully investigating, eliminating several rooms in a while.

When I walked to the fifth room, I was about to test.

A bang!

At the same time, Su Mian was pounced and rolled on the spot, and the two of them could have avoided the shot.

Su Mian knew that the person behind him was Wei Zhenhui!

"Daughter-in-law, is there any injury?" Wei Zhenhui hugged Su Mian, his voice trembling.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen to Su Mian if he came one second later.

Su Mian leaned in his arms, and his violent heartbeat shook her breathing.

Just now, she passed by death!

"Brother Hui, I'm fine, thank you." Su Mian sighed, so risky!

Look at the bullet holes on the door panel. It is the most advanced sniper rifle at present. Even if she has a body armor on her body, she will definitely not be able to stop it from such a short distance!

"It's fine."

Wei Zhenhui quickly kissed her on the forehead, and then pressed his daughter-in-law's small shoulder with the palm of his hand, "Follow me, I will open the way!"

The man's words are especially weighty. Su Mian was cautious just now, and immediately felt at ease in his heart after hearing his words.

Wei Zhenhui is such a person. He doesn't talk much, but every sentence he says will leave a mark on your heart.

Su Mian nodded heavily, her pink lips pressed tightly.

It's terrible!

Seeing his wife's serious appearance, Wei Zhenhui stretched out his index finger and pressed her lips hard, his eyes sank, "Don't get hurt!"

Su Mian looked dumbfounded!

At such a critical juncture, she... she was actually picked up by Wei Zhenhui's little action just now!

The members of the latter special forces have long been tacitly stunned.

Dog food that can be stuffed for a task, where does it make sense?

The devil is really spoiling his wife anytime, anywhere!

Wei Zhenhui stood up with Su Mian when Old B spoke in the room.

"Jing Xiangwan and Wu Mengmeng are in my hands, the big devil, I know it is you, tell your people not to act rashly, otherwise, I will return Jing Xiangwan's body to you one by one!"

The last sentence Old B bites so hard that anyone can hear it. This is a warning to them.

If they dare to act rashly, Jing Xiangwan will have to be knifed!

Wait, why is Wu Mengmeng also in their hands?

Su Mian raised his eyebrows and looked at Wei Zhenhui. Wei Zhenhui shook his head vigorously. Obviously he knew it too.

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