Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2629: Retired from the Special Forces

Up to now, Wei Zhenhui is still in a state of extreme excitement. Su Mian is pregnant with twins, two children belonging to him and Su Mian.

So many things happened before, and he never expected to be a father so soon.

The doctor also said that he should not rush and let it happen. It is normal to wait for three or five years.

As a result, he became a father in less than half a year, and he was really unprepared.

Wei Zhenhui squeezed Su Mian's little hand to his lips, biting twice from time to time, and the bite made Su Mian itchy. This bastard, now the gangster has changed his position!

"daughter in law!"

Wei Zhenhui took another bite, "Tell you something. Grandpa has already called the special team, and you have now retired from the special team!"


Su Mian looked dazed, and she fainted. She had a baby, and she was gone!

Grandpa's movements are too fast!

She... she's not ready yet!

Although she knew that she would definitely not be able to go to the special forces in the future, she was still a little sad in this way.

"I haven't said goodbye to them yet!"

Su Mian shook his body for a while.

The daughter-in-law's small body was soft and boneless, and Wei Zhenhui's body was tense.

"Daughter-in-law, please, don't shake, your man is very normal!"

Su Mian blushed, only then did he realize the changes in someone's body and did not dare to move anymore.

It's really dead.

Wei Zhenhui slackened for a while before squeezing her little face, and quickly changed the subject, "Grandpa said that you will raise a baby at home!"

Su Mian:...

"Brother Hui, you know my character, I can't stay idle. If I'm home alone, I have to tear down the house!"

"You are a dog, there's nothing to tear down the house?"

"You are the dog, little wolf dog!"

Wei Zhenhui smirked, "I told my grandpa, and he said that he would let you go to the Military Medical University! Then Chief Zhao told him very rudely, "You can graduate by applying for early graduation and taking a few exams. Grandpa's face is green. NS. "

"Finally, the result of your discussion, where am I going?" Su Mian excitedly grabbed Wei Zhenhui's sweater, and the hair was about to be pulled off. "

This feeling of being arranged has never happened before.

It's warm, at ease and at ease.

Because you know they are all sincerely thinking about you.

"Finally, Grandpa agreed to let you go to the Military Medical University to be responsible for the subject research."

This is not bad.

Su Mian flattened his mouth and deliberately said, "Sure enough, the status of the babies is much higher than mine. I can't decide where to go now?"

Seeing her aggrieved little appearance, Wei Zhenhui scratched the bridge of her nose, "You, take care of the injury first, and leave the rest to me. I have a long vacation and can stay with you for a month!"


These words successfully attracted Su Mian's attention, "Really?" Su Mian still didn't believe it.

"Of course, I haven't taken a vacation for so many years. This time I made an exception as a daughter-in-law." Wei Zhenhui said proudly.

As a result, Su Mian poured cold water on the spot, "I want to make an exception for the baby!"

Wei Zhenhui had a dark face. If it weren't for his wife who was seriously injured, he would have to do her right now, so as not to make her mouth hard!

As soon as Shang Xue returned to China, she found Shang Guilan.

"Aunt, you save me, what should I do now? You ask your uncle to help me intercede with the leader, I really didn't mean to hurt my sister, I still have something to ask her!"

Shang Guilan stopped talking after listening.

How dare she let Jing Liangping know about this, and she was stunned behind her back.

"Your uncle went back to the Special Forces team directly, so you can think of other ways." Shang Guilan pushed directly. She is not stupid, and Shang Xue is not a small matter. "Or you can take this punishment first and do it later. Intend."

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