Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2631: Pouring blood mold for eight lifetimes

This time the old lady Jing kept wiping her tears, and stopped talking.

Shang Guilan sat next to her even more, docile and pug-like, changed her previous rhetoric, even her tone was different.

"I just said that Su Mian is a special soldier, and I would never do such a thing as sorry for others, not to mention that the second sister is still her aunt. In the end, I was really right. When Su Mian arrived in S country, he saved the second sister. !"

Jing Xiangqiu twitched the corners of her mouth. Her younger siblings are best at hindsight. She was really annoyed to think that she had slandered Su Mian before, "Gui Lan, I really didn't see that you could still be a prophet!"

"That is!" Shang Guilan was not ashamed but proud.

Jing Xiangqiu glanced at her coldly, "In the future, before things come to an end, don't mess around with mom. Mom is getting older, and you can't help but frustrate you."

As soon as Shang Guilan heard about it, she immediately slapped her thigh to express her unwillingness, "Oh, elder sister, what do you mean by that? When did I frustrate my mother? Besides, my mother is wise, it's not that I can just say a few words. Left and right."

If that were all right, she had long ago turned the old lady into Jing Xiner's name!

"You know what you have done. Anyway, you will not want to fight Su Mian in the future!" Jing Xiang Qiuyuan was in the Western Military Region. This time he came back to see the little girl, and on the other hand, he also meant to rectify the Jing family.

When she is not there, someone wants to be a demon!

Shang Guilan is usually afraid of Jing Xiangqiu, and now her face is getting more and more severe, and she is too scared to speak any more.

She was really afraid that the eldest sister would say anything bad in front of her father-in-law.

"Don't make any noise." Chief Jing finally said, "Su Mian was injured because of Xiang Wan. No matter what, our Jing family must go and say it. Xiang Qiuming, you and I will go to the General Hospital of the Beijing Military Region in the morning."


Jing Xiangqiu was also about to see Su Mian, and asked her what she meant by entering Jing's house by the way.

With so many things happening, Jing Xiangqiu felt ashamed to ask Su Mian again.

People stayed well in Jiang's house, why should they recognize Jing's house?

If Jing Jia still had this attitude, she felt that Su Mian really didn't need to recognize it.

So, looking for opportunities, she still has to do her mother's ideological work, so as not to be easily misled by some people with ulterior motives.

The old lady was holding the Jing family property in her hand, and it was inevitable that she would sometimes get into the horns, thinking that everyone approached the Jing family for money.

Su Mian is really not bad money.

On the way here, she heard that the No. 1 hot pot restaurant in the world and the three sisters supermarket chain have opened to the south, and these stores Su Mian are the largest shareholders.

Coupled with the hospital and pharmaceutical factory under her own name, Jing Xiang Qiushi couldn't think of where Su Mian seemed to be short of money.

Shang Guilan also joined in the excitement and wanted to follow, "Dad, will you take the eldest sister alone? Bring me too. I misunderstood Su Mian before, so this time I just apologize in front of Su Mian!"

Jing Li glanced at her coldly, and Shang Guilan shivered with fright, "Don't go anywhere, just guard Jing's house!"

This is ironic enough.

It means that she is worried about Jing family property!

Shang Guilan had a guilty conscience, and her face suddenly turned blue and white.

But what was wrong with her, the Jing family wasn't Jing Feihong and Jing Xin'er in the end, she just wanted to get the share she deserved.

As for Su Mian, she has always been an outsider, so what qualifications does she have to inherit property?

Shang Guilan slandered in her heart, and smiled wryly on her face, "Okay, since my dad has decided, I won't join in the fun. Sister, you will help me and Su Mian by the time, and then I am her aunt. !"

The corner of Jing Xiangqiu's mouth twitched. Whoever has an aunt like you is really bad for eight lives!

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