Shang Xue was not angry, and greeted several other people gracefully before speaking, "I have a few words to say with Su Mian, can it be convenient for them!"

This meant that what she wanted to say could not be in front of others, and she had to say it behind her back.

Su Mian snorted directly, really don't know who gave her face.

She came to find herself, Su Mian knew what was going on with her eyes closed.

"They are all my friends, so just talk about it here. If you feel inconvenient, just take your fruit and go home!"

Su Mian didn't look good at someone like Shang Xue who coveted her man. What's more, Shang Xue was the culprit in this operation.

Luo Fang exchanged glances.

Su Mian has a weak temperament, and she does not offend her. She does not offend others.

Su Mian's words were so unceremonious, it seemed that Shang Xue not only offended Su Mian, but also offended him not lightly.

Don't look at Su Mian's usual indifferent expression, stunned, and you will definitely be unable to eat for a few days.

The most important thing is that Su Mian has a back hand every time. Just when you think you are going to win, Su Mian can come back at the last minute.

That's why Luo Fang looked forward to it very much, standing next to each other holding their chests with an expression of watching the show.

Obviously don't want to go.

Of course, it was even more impossible for Shang Xue to leave. Time was limited, and if he delayed, everything would be too late.

"Su Mian, you forgive me for the special forces' affairs this time. I also do it for Aunt Jing. I hope she can broaden her horizons and learn more."

Su Mian laughed as soon as he said this.

Who is Jing Xiangwan? She still needs to grow her horizons and learn knowledge to go to the kind of general technology exchange meeting?

"Shang Xue, don't you have your brain? This technical exchange meeting is mainly aimed at young doctors. Do you think that Professor Jing, like you, has just walked out of school? She is a well-known expert in this industry. What vision does she need? Do you want to please Professor Jing to join the Virus Association?

do you know? If you take Professor Jing out of the country, you are putting her life in the hands of a terrorist organization!

You are so embarrassed to ask me for forgiveness for such a serious question?

How can I forgive you?

If it weren't for you, would I lie here?

Isn't it good if I didn't go to you to settle the bill? "

Luo Fang also understood it now.

They all participated in this operation, and the operation changed later. Professor Jing suddenly appeared in S country.

It turned out that it was the immortal who brought Professor Jing to Country S!


Seeing that he is beautiful, he is so bold!

Su Mian said harshly, and Shang Xue felt guilty, and immediately defended, "It wasn't my idea, it was my colleague. It was her idea. In order to make Aunt Jing eligible to participate, she didn't go there by herself!"

This is throwing the pot to others.

"Is the person behind you?"

Shang Xue pulled Liu Mei over, "Liu Mei, explain to Su Mian yourself, I can't save you! You quickly admit a mistake to Su Mian, maybe you can rush to let Su Mian give the punishment before the punishment is released. Withdrawn!"

The punishment was withdrawn!

Shang Xue can really fool you!

She valued herself too much, and Su Mian didn't expect that in her eyes, she could withdraw the disciplinary notice issued by the military at will.

Su Mian didn't speak, but looked at Liu Mei in front of her.

Liu Mei lowered her head and was so frightened by Shang Xue. She didn't dare to look at Su Mian. His upper and lower lips trembled when he spoke. Knowing that the matter is going to be so serious, please forgive me and let the military department withdraw the punishment!"

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