Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2639: Who is not a baby yet

After listening to her, Wei Zhenhui stood still for a long time without moving.

He didn't understand what he did to give Shang Xue this illusion, making her feel that he still loves her.


The question is, has he ever loved?

If it hadn't been for her to suddenly appear in front of him, he wouldn't even remember that there was someone like her!

He was also a battalion commander before, and she deliberately pretended to be ugly.

Now he has been promoted to the rank of teacher, and his identity has changed from a rural background to the grandson of Chief Jiang.

Did she come here?

He kept saying that he loves her!

Even if she could see herself in the first place, Wei Zhenhui could not see her such a delicate flower!

Shang Xue is beautiful and has a good temperament.

But that was not as dazzling as Su Mianwan.

Perhaps this was destined in the dark. The first time he saw Su Mian, he was moved. He felt that this girl was the moon in the sky and the person he was waiting for in this life.

He hadn't seen any other women.

Wei Zhenhui slowly turned around, his eyes cold, even more bitter than the weather outside.

He hadn't spoken yet, on the other side, the two battalion commanders reacted more strongly than the other.

"Love you MLGB, who gave you the confidence to say such a thing, the face, let the dog chew, or let the pig arch! Which mental hospital ran out of neurosis?"

If it weren't for the second battalion commander holding him, the first battalion commander would rush over now, waking up the neurosis with one ear of melon seeds!

The second battalion commander hugged him, how dare he let go, "First battalion commander, you calm down, it is against discipline to be insane!"

"Let go, I have to wake up this neurosis today and let her talk nonsense. The relationship between the teacher and his sister-in-law is better than that of Jin Jian. What kind of green onion is she, I am sorry to say that the teacher still loves her. Laughing away!"

A battalion commander usually teases Bigui, but if anyone offends Wei Zhenhui, he can't rub the sand in his eyes!

The two were in a stalemate, and Su Mian came over in the distance.

Wei Zhenhui saw Su Mian wearing thin clothes, walked a few steps to her, took off the army coat and wrapped her densely, frowned, "Daughter-in-law, it's cold, why did you come out?"

Su Mian cast a glance at Shang Xue. She didn't expect this woman to have such a thick face. She didn't agree, and actually ran to Wei Zhenhui.

It's really unbelievable.

"Baby, you said you would go back at five o'clock, you think it's five and five, are people worried about you being entangled by a fox? So I came out to have a look, and I really saw a big one."


Wei Zhenhui rubbed his eyebrows, knowing that Su Mian deliberately told Shang Xue to hear him, so he could only cooperate, "It's the baby that is not good, so the baby will accompany you back to dinner later."

A battalion commander twitched his mouth, "Fuck, my sister-in-law called the teacher baby, my blood tank is empty, please help me!"

The second battalion commander: "Who is not a baby, don't look at the teacher's dominance in front of us, in front of my sister-in-law, is a docile little wolf dog, the kind that kneels and licks at night!"

It seemed as if he squatted by someone's bed every night and looked at it.

Shang Xue was so angry that all ten nails were pinched into the flesh.

She was waiting for Wei Zhenhui here, her whole body was freezing, and Wei Zhenhui didn't say to give her the coat. Su Mian was still wearing a padded jacket, but as soon as she came out, Wei Zhenhui took off her coat.

These cares and loves should have belonged to her, but now they are occupied by Su Mian.

Su Mian stole Wei Zhenhui and everything that belonged to him.

She hated to death in her heart, in front of Su Mian, she had to maintain the image of a goddess, and her expression was distorted.

The corners of Su Mian's lips were bent, and it was not enough, so Shang Xue had to be stimulated a little more.

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