Only then did Jing Li remember the business.

He laughed and said, "I came to apologize today! Is my granddaughter okay? I brought some supplements for her to replenish her body."

Jiang Xiangqian snorted without raising his eyelids.

Said as if he lacked that little supplement.

Jing Li knew that he was awkward, and continued to please, "This time Xiang Wan was ill-conceived, and she let people go abroad. I have talked to her, and she has deeply realized the mistake. Su Mian was injured and she was very sad. . In the final analysis, she didn’t trust Su Mian, which allowed outsiders to take advantage of the loopholes!"

Jiang Xiangqian just glanced at him, "This sounds like a human word."

The corner of Jing Li's mouth twitched, but he dared not refute, and continued to laugh.

Jiang Xiangqian said again, "Originally, I wanted to let Su Mian recognize your Jing family after the New Year. How do you recognize your Jing family after you tell this story? Don't talk about children, I'm chilled. After all, you are from Su Mian's family. , Even you don't trust her, what do you make others think?

Su Mian did all this for Jing Xiangwan. As a result, you still didn't trust her, and you were afraid that she would steal the research results.

With regard to my grandson-in-law's urinary sex, if I want to go abroad to make a report, it shouldn't be too easy! "

"Yes!" Jing Li agreed with this point very much.

"Lizi, we have known each other for so many years, should you always trust my character? I think people are always okay!

Do you think my grandson-in-law of Jiang Xiangqian is the kind of person who abandons the interests of the country and the people for her own sake? "

"No, no, Lao Jiang, it's our Jing family that's wrong. I apologize to you and Su Mian. No matter what happens in the future, we will stand on Su Mian's side, and we will never let outsiders frustrate us."

Jing Li's face rose to the color of pig liver, and he was so arrogant that he had to bow his head this time.

It is true that the Jing family is ashamed of Su Mian.

Su Mian risked his death to save Jing Xiangwan's life.

Without Su Mian, Jing Xiangwan was captured by the Shanri organization, and he couldn't even think of the consequences.

"Stare at your daughter-in-law!"

Jiang Xiangqian never talked about women's right and wrong in front of others. Liu Wenqing was often confused in Jiang's family. He always closed one eye.

Regarding a woman is what the husband should do, this time he is really dissatisfied with Shang Guilan.

Someone has already reported to him that Shang Xue has been jumping happily recently, and it's all Shang Guilan's cheating.

It is conceivable that if Su Mian returned to Jing's house, Shang Guilan would be most threatened.

Su Mian naturally wouldn't recognize Jing's family easily when she got so mixed up.

There is no misunderstanding between Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui, and they will not recognize the Jing family.

Therefore, this woman is really vicious.

Jing Li is not stupid.

When Jiang Xiangqian talked about this, he naturally reacted quickly.

Shang Guilan brought Shang Xue to Jing's house a few days ago, and this happened later.

Therefore, it is difficult not to get involved with her.

Shang Guilan loves to take advantage of the small advantage, but has a low vision.

Jing Li found out that he might really underestimate this daughter-in-law.

If this matter is really her frustration, then her picture is not small!

After thinking about this, Jing Li's face went dark.

Shang Guilan's purpose was obvious, which was to prevent Su Mian from returning to Jing's house.

Later, the four people continued to play mahjong.

Jiang Xiangqian is not a person who is not tolerant, but he has to explain things to Jing Li.

His grand-daughter-in-law can't be injured in vain, and his great-grandson will die, or it will be gone!

He had to keep this account on Jing Li's body.

Therefore, he would never tell Jing Li that Su Mian was pregnant.

"Then my granddaughter will have a play when returning to Jing's house?" Jing Li asked tentatively.

Jiang Xiangqian twitched the corner of his mouth, "Of course no play!"

This matter must not be easily revealed!

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