Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2653: I want to pit and don't want you

This hole has been chiseled for several hours, don't think that it is so easy to drill a hole, it is too much!

Today she will not give up this hole to others anyway!

What's more, since she was a child, she has become accustomed to domineering, and never let it go too much. Why should she let it go to this man!

Su Jinlong folded his arms and stared at Wu Qiaoqiao condescendingly.

The girl who hates this kind of princess disease most thinks that the whole world has to revolve around her.

He came out today, and even if he doesn't fish, he won't let this girl take advantage.

"I won't let it, I came before you, why should I let it. Besides, if you say the hole is yours, it's yours. Who will prove it?"

Su Jinlong used to be a little rascal in the village, so he took it easy to rely on this ability.

"Okay, you rascal! Mengmeng, tell him that I drilled this pit!" Wu Qiaoqiao is used to being domineering, but she didn't expect that she would run into an opponent today!

Wu Mengmeng was staring at Su Jinlong with big eyes, and the more she looked, the more familiar she became, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him.

So when her cousin talked to her, her head was obviously offline.

"Cousin, you dug this pit, why don't I know?"

Wu Qiaoqiao can't wait to shoot this cute guy to death!

She didn't call her that day.

"Look, your sister doesn't even know, just edit it here!"

After speaking, Su Jinlong laughed, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth, and the sun was shining even more.

"Laugh, laugh at your uncle, this pit is mine, please make room for me!" Wu Qiaoqiao is a hot temper, and she will push Su Jinlong away when she says.

As a result, the station Su Jinlong went to was like a wall, motionless.

Wu Qiaoqiao is a soldier no matter what, she is also a special combat soldier. It was only during the special team selection process that she was not selected for diarrhea that day.

Otherwise, Wu Mengmeng can choose this cute thing, she won't be able to choose?

The man's chest was very hard, he had practiced it at first glance. Wu Qiaoqiao didn't believe it anymore, and she used all her strength to push violently. As a result, Su Jinlong even whistled in a leisurely manner. She was stubborn.

"Strong hard, you push me, I will let you this pit!"

Su Jinlong is not afraid. She is the only one in front of him, that is, the ants shake the tree!

Wu Qiaoqiao gritted her teeth and turned to look at Wu Mengmeng, "What are you looking for? Come and help!"

Her cousin is too slow to respond to everything, just like that, I heard that Xu Fox has confessed to her!

I really don’t know which of Xu Fox’s tendons was wrong, and he actually fell in love with this cute guy!


Wu Mengmeng stunned her big eyes and ran behind Wu Qiaoqiao, reaching out and pushing Wu Qiaoqiao's shoulder.

Her hands are thin and sharp, and she immediately broke her work when she grasped Wu Qiao Qiao!

As soon as his arm softened, he threw himself into Su Jinlong's arms.


Wu Mengmeng stuck out her tongue, knowing that she was in trouble, and her cousin was itchy all over.

It's over now!

My cousin has no match yet!

Looking at her cousin Wu Qiaoqiao, her face looked as if she was dyed with rouge, her face flushed with shame.

Su Jinlong felt that something soft and warm was leaning against his heart, and looked down.

The girl's eyelashes grew long and she was still shaking.

So the following passage was made by ghosts and gods.

"It's useless to hug you, I just want to cheat and don't want you!"

"You want me, I won't give it to you!" Wu Qiaoqiao felt that something was wrong after she said it. "Just talk nonsense again, and see if I don't beat you to the teeth!"

"The gentleman does not speak, you... don't come over!" Su Jinlong backed away a few steps.

"What happened when I hit you?"

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