"Really? Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Xu Haowen squinted his nice fox eyes. In the dark, the man's expression was extremely sultry and dangerous.

Wu Mengmeng was dumbfounded, but forgot to be afraid.

How could this man look so good, looking like a fairy in the mountains most of the night!

If Xu Haowen knew her thoughts, she would have it all.

"Why don't you speak, so you want to look at me?" The man moved closer, not even an inch from her face.

Isn't it scared? Now he makes her scared enough!

Usually when I saw him, I saw the cat with the mouse, and didn't even look at him.

"Who? Who is watching you?"

Wu Mengmeng quibbleed, and hurriedly looked away.

And what is he doing so close to her? He could smell the breath he exhaled, with a minty scent, and mixed with the unfamiliar breath of her unfamiliar.

Her face was hot with the burning breath, and her heart began to beat wildly.

She couldn't look anymore, otherwise her little heart would have to jump out.

"You...can you stay away from me? Wu Mengmeng rejected Xu Haowen with trembling two paws. It is really difficult to refuse Xu Haowen like this.

But what's the use of looking good? She really didn't think that way about him.

As long as the thought, Wu Mengmeng's heart and liver trembled at such a person for the rest of his life.

Xu Huli is so good and exists like a **** of war. He is not worthy to be a small follower in front of him. How can he be qualified to be his wife.

Even if he threw her down to save her and kissed her forcibly, she didn't mean to hold him accountable, and she even hid as far away as possible.

She knows that such an ordinary self is not worthy of him!

The woman lowered her head, her eyes were expectant, completely different from the usual cuteness.

I don't know what she is thinking.

"I want to check!" Xu Haowen didn't answer her, and suddenly came such a sentence.

"What? What are you going to check?"

Wu Mengmeng squeezed her paw alertly. If he dared to mess around, she would not be a vegetarian.

Although he couldn't beat him, he was still sure of a few tricks under his hands.

Seeing the woman transform from a little white rabbit to a little hedgehog, Xu Haowen's twinkling eyes gradually dyed with a smile.

Sure enough, the cute thing is a tendon. If his thinking jumps a little bit, she can't keep up with the rhythm.

The man's big hand moved down from her waist, deliberately blowing into her ears, "Check if you have that... one!"

"Are you crazy?" Wu Mengmeng directly exploded.

No matter how stupid and simple she is, it is impossible for Xu Haowen to do such a thing to her.

She already felt very embarrassed to say it, and if she was asked to check it, she might as well be hit and killed!

Xu Haowen admired himself very much, he could actually say such shameless words to Wu Mengmeng!

Not all of them were forced by his grandpa.

After knowing that Su Mian was pregnant, Chief Xu called him directly to the study.

Give him two ways.

One is that he took the subject home by himself within a month.

Another one, blind date.

He has contacted his mother, and he has had blind dates at least ten times in the past few days.

Xu Haowen didn't know how to get out of his grandfather's study.

Blind date ten times, his grandfather can't figure it out.

Does Xu Haowen need a blind date? If Luo Cheng and a few people know about it, he won't laugh out of his teeth.

As for her own lead, Xu Haowen suddenly thought of Wu Mengmeng, it would be nice if she could lead her home.

The question now is how to make Wu Mengmeng willingly go home with him.

He thought that he could see this girl during dinner, so he took a chance to ask her what she meant, but as a result, she didn't show up at all.

That's it!

Are you running out at night?

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