Shang Xue already knew that she was going to the research institute, so she came to sabotage and ruin her reputation?

Su Mian really convinced Shang Xue's brain circuit.

She can get in by herself, but others can't get in!

Several female classmates looked at each other, and one of them stood up and said, "Yes, we are fighting for business elder sisters. Why did you enter the graduate school before finishing your undergraduate studies? Let’s take the exam today and behave! Let’s do business. Sister is a PhD student studying abroad. How many times better than you don't know, she can barely get in. Why can you get in? Su Mian, you just admit that you left because of airborne!"

Su Mian nodded approvingly, "Yes, I'm here today to be with you make-up candidates. Take the airborne? Do you think anyone can enter the institute at will? First, you have to pass the entrance examination!"

Several people were obviously taken aback, "Apply for the exam? What the hell?"

How come they haven't heard of it.

"It's the exam that everyone who intends to apply to the institute must pass. The reason why Shang Xue reluctantly entered is because she barely passed the exam, and I got full marks."


Full marks!

Su Mian said she got a perfect score!

And Shang Xue just passed the pass, so of course he barely entered!

Several people's faces alternated in innocence, and they were really able to open a dyeing workshop.

Shang Xue never told them about this.

Therefore, they didn't even know that there was an entrance exam.

"So what's the imbalance of Senior Sister Shang?" A girl realized that it was wrong after she said it, and quickly covered her mouth.

Several others also made a big red face.

"So, if you don't understand the situation, don't rush to help others. Also, she has such a good relationship with you make-up candidates. I really doubt her grades in school. Does she often take make-up exams too! Tsk!"

Taking this opportunity, Su Mian stepped on Shang Xue severely.

The girls lowered their heads and began to whisper again.

"I heard that when the business sister was at school, her grades were really poor, and she often took make-up exams!"

"That is, in the end there was no way to apply to study abroad."

"Even her father doesn't know. Outsiders think she has a lot of face, but the graduate student who applied to our school was rejected!"

Su Mian hooked her lips. She didn't expect that she would just say it casually, but it was confirmed by these people.

Outside the window, Shang Xue and Xia Lili could see clearly what happened just now.

Although Xia Lili has a good relationship with Shang Xue, the two are not in the same line, and Shang Xue will never tell her about these matters.

Even when she left abroad, she had a high posture, which made Xia Lili very envious.

Now think about it, the truth turned out to be like this!

Knowing that Shang Xue loves face, she still comforted her quietly, "Xiaoxue, don't listen to Su Mian's nonsense. Your grades in college were not good. You must have fallen in love with Wei Zhenhui. It was not your fault that was influenced by him. Later, you too. For the sake of studying, I chose to go abroad!"

Only Shang Xue knows how weak and pale Xia Lili’s comfort sounds.

The image of the perfect goddess she worked so hard in front of Xia Lili just fell apart.

Shang Xue couldn't wait to beat Su Mian violently. She clenched her hands into fists, and her eyes were incredibly angry.

Su Mian, just wait, the good show is still to come.

With people coming and going outside the window, Shang Xue won't get angry at this time, she still has to maintain her goddess persona.

"Lily, thank you for understanding me. At that time, I had no choice but to let my dad know what happened to Wei Zhenhui. Therefore, I didn't tell you the reason why I went abroad. You won't blame me?"

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