Jing Li's posture is straight and straight, with both hands behind his back, Feng's eyes are staring, not anger or prestige.

Seeing Shang Guilan's heartbeat, she was absolutely dead today.

In addition, behind him, the Jiang family who sent him out: Chief Jiang, Jiang Zhengye and his wife, He Qin and his wife...

They all stared at Shang Guilan, who was already scared.

That's what she said just now, these people have heard it! ! !

Others are easy to say, after all, it is an outsider, she is most worried about what the father-in-law will do with her?

Just saying "As long as you don't return to Jing's house", her father-in-law will not let her go, let alone help Shang Xue...

Su Mian absolutely deliberately!

She knew that it was Shang Xue who seduce the Great Demon King, so she wanted to say that she was Jing Xin'er, just to irritate her, set her up, and let her tell the truth!

Any mother who heard that her daughter's name was ruined did not excuse it!

She was wronged!

Moreover, the only thing her father-in-law remembered in the past six months was Su Mian's return to Jing's house, but now she has made the condition that Su Mian not be allowed to return to Jing's house, and her father-in-law has heard it in person.

Her father-in-law will definitely not let her go.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Shang Guilan scrambled to stand up from the ground, "Dad, listen to me... I just said casually, I... I didn't help Xiaoxue!"

"No help? Would you like me to call Xiang Wan over and confront him!"

Jing Li has not returned to the Southern Military Region during this period, so there is no time to deal with Shang Guilan.

I wanted to go back these two days, and then deal with her.

Unexpectedly, she couldn't hold back after only two days.

Jing Lilian's last patience with Shang Guilan also disappeared.

Everyone has a bottom line, but Shang Guilan really doesn't.

The Great Demon King and Su Mian were both married, and they were pregnant with their children. She was actually still instigating the conflict between the Su family and the Wei family.

If Anto said nothing, she too overestimated Zhang Jie.

Although the Wei family raised the Demon King, Wei Zhenhui's future life, not to mention the Wei family, even Jiang Xiangqian dare not say anything, where can the Wei family interfere.

So being a human being, IQ is really important, otherwise it would be totally different.

After doing a lot of things, the goal was not achieved, and in the end, he couldn't end well.

Shang Guilan's IQ is obviously not online. She used to be a real person. Since Su Mian had to split up half of the Jing family's fortune, she lost even the last honesty.

Jing Li was really disappointed with Shang Guilan.

On a cold day, Shang Guilan had already burst into a cold sweat!

How dare she confront Jing Xiangwan, after that kidnapping, Jing Xiangwan made a clear distinction between her and Shang Xue.

No need to say anything from her father-in-law, Jing Xiangwan would take out her and Shang Xue's old friends.

In front of so many people, she could only ask Jingli at last.

The father-in-law emphasizes friendship, nostalgia, and will let her go.

Shang Guilan's desire for survival was very strong and wiped tears from her face, "Dad, I know I was wrong, so you can forgive me this time. I won't worry about Jing family property anymore. You have the final say. You will not give Feihong and Xin'er from now on, and I won't say a word!"

Shang Guilan made a lot of determination when he said this. After all, if his father-in-law really agreed, her pair of children would have nothing.

Isn't she not worth the loss?

Shang Guilan was calculating her own Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, but Jing Li snorted coldly.

This was the last chance he gave to Shang Guilan. She didn't even seize it. Then don't blame him for being too lenient in his father-in-law!

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