Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2696: I agree to recognize Jingjia

Shang Guilan immediately knelt to Jing Li with a puff, crying, "Dad, I beg you, I really know I was wrong..."

Shang Guilan regretted her death now, she shouldn't play with Jing Li.

If she just said something else, Jing Li wouldn't be so angry!

Jing Li turned his back directly, not wanting to look at her, "After the divorce, you can do it for yourself."

Shang Guilan fell to the ground.

She knew Jing Li's personality, and he made a decision, Jing Liangping would not object.

She can only count on two children now, hoping that they can help her plead.

Shang Guilan quickly figured out how to tell the two children.

She and Shang Xue calculated Su Mian's affairs, Xin'er didn't know yet, but she was soft-hearted, she was born by herself after all, as long as she cried, she would definitely forgive herself.

As for Feihong, I am afraid that it will take more words and words. Anyway, they all crawled out of her stomach. She didn't believe it, and he could not recognize her as a real mother!

Thinking this way, Shang Guilan had hope again.

When he looked at Su Mian, his eyes were vicious.

She was able to get to where she is today, it is said that Su Mian was harmed.

If she doesn't show up, she will still be an honest and loyal commander's wife and the daughter-in-law of the Jing family.

I blame Su Mian, why she appeared, ruined her marriage and ruined her life!

Shang Guilan lowered her head, swallowing bitter water into her mouth bit by bit.

Several elder sisters pointed to her, and she turned a deaf ear to it.

These people know what they are, and the entire military district compound will know tomorrow. She has to go back and find a way.

Thinking of this, Shang Guilan stood up and turned around and left.

When she left, the atmosphere around her changed instantly.

When Jing Li walked up to Su Mian, his angry face just now turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, several times faster than the change of face in Sichuan Opera!

He asked kindly, "Granddaughter, how many days do you stay home with your grandfather?"

The eyeballs of the elder sisters of the neighborhood committee were all broken!

How could this be the old head who was just now majestic and decisive in handling housework?

Su Mian: "..."

She hasn't recognized it yet!

"Why? Want to fall back on the bill?"

Jing Li smiled like an old fox, "You just said that you want to recognize the Jing family, I can hear it. There are also a few women comrades in the neighborhood committee, they have heard, and you can testify to me!"

Of course, Jing Li would not let the old boy Jiang Xiangqian testify. He certainly did not agree. There are outsiders now, and they are the best witnesses.

Su Mian wanted to stimulate Shang Guilan, but now Jing Li was holding on to it.

Su Mian chuckled, her eyebrows curled up, "Chief Jing, I just said it casually. Don't take it seriously. Besides, when it comes to acknowledging such a big thing as Jing's family, I have to discuss with Xiaolong, I can't be the master alone!"

After speaking, he blinked at Su Jinlong.

She understands that her younger brother has been obedient to her since she was born again, and he will definitely listen to her this time!

Su Jinlong rushed out from behind the crowd, "Sister, I agree to recognize Jing's family, it's up to you!"

Thinking of the review materials for the military academy that Jing Li gave him, as well as detailed remarks, Su Jinlong's little heart is still excited!

Moreover, Chief Jing said that there is still a large bookcase on the wall in his house, which contains military books. As long as he goes to Jing's house, he can watch it anywhere!

It is said that some books are out of print, even if he goes to military academy, he can't read it!

So, Su Jinlong's heart, he has already flown to the study of the Jing's house in the south!

No matter how Su Mian winked.

Su Mian instantly felt like he was stabbed by his trusted teammate, and his heart was bleeding!

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