Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2702: My daughter-in-law said it's not yet

The business leader was confused. Her stupid sister had a good life, but the stupid one married Jing Liangping and married Jing's family.

He is the envy of men.

"What's upsetting you?" The commercial commander asked disapprovingly.

The man is the commander, and his sons and daughters are all in the special forces. He really can't think of what Shang Guilan can do.

"Brother, Liangping wants to divorce me. You have a good relationship with him, please help me persuade him!" Shang Guilan wiped her tears and looked at her elder brother.

Growing up together, the higher the position of the eldest brother, the more alienated her relationship with her. Fortunately, she was married to the Jing family. If it were ordinary people, the elder brother would not know her.

The business chief raised his brow.

The Jing family is a large family in the south. Jing Liangping is an upright person. Although his political achievements are absolutely worse than his father's by one hundred and eight years, he is also a responsible man.

I would never say divorce easily.

The commander of the merchant slammed the table, "What did you do to sorry him?"

Shang Guilan shuddered with fright, but she didn't expect her eldest brother to know it was her fault all at once.

Shang Guilan didn't dare to hide from him, so she told all those things she had done.

After hearing this, the commander of the merchant kicked the stool next to the coffee table!

"Did you discuss it with Shang Xue? Want to **** me off?"

The leaders of Shang Xue hadn't forgiven him yet, and Shang Guilan had a divorce with Jing's family again, and the divorce was filed by her father-in-law!

The merchant commander was so angry that he walked back and forth several times on the ground.

"Brother, you must help me, I... I don't want to divorce!"

"Fart! Is this what I can help? Jing Liangping is so good-tempered that people like divorce, how do you let me help you? Chief Jing always does what he says, you don't know your father-in-law's temper. You can only beg your two children now, maybe in their face, Chief Jing will change his mind."

"They are out on mission, I can't contact them." After Shang Guilan returned, he immediately called the special forces team. Unexpectedly, they just went to perform a mission yesterday.

"Then you can hide from Jing Liangping until the child comes back!" The commander of the merchant has no choice.

In this way, Shang Guilan stayed at the merchant.

The shortcut that Jing Liangping took happened to be at the door at the same time as Wei Zhenhui.

"Commander Jing!" Wei Zhenhui greeted him politely.

Jing Liangping smiled awkwardly, "Do you have to be so alienated? After all, I am Su Mian's uncle, and also your uncle!"

"My daughter-in-law said it's not right now!" Wei Zhenhui moved out of Su Mian directly. He could understand what Jing Liangping meant, and he must be guilty for what Shang Guilan did.

The two of them entered the house together.

"Uncle, you sit here!" Su Jinlong pulled the chair out, terribly dog-legged.

Jing Liangping's depression just swept away, and raised his eyebrows at Wei Zhenhui, the meaning was obvious, you don't ask someone to call.

Wei Zhenhui gave him a blank look, "I don't want to give me Su Jinlong's nephew who lacks roots for nothing!"

Jing Liangping: "..."

How do you feel that he picked up a silly child!

After dinner, Jing Liangping directly called Wei Zhenhui and Su Mian to the study. Su Jinlong wanted to go in and was directly locked out.

"I have filed for a divorce with Shang Guilan, Su Mian, I apologize to you for her. She used to do so many things that hurt you and Zhenhui, I'm sorry!"

Jing Liangping spoke very seriously, but he was taken aback by the two of them.

Is this divorced?

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