Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2716: Captives (monthly ticket 500 plus more)

Xiao Liu lowered her head, Dou Da's tears burst into tears. For the sake of her mother, she absolutely could not provide Shang Xue, so she could only grit her teeth and take all the responsibility on herself.

I only hope that Shang Xue can give her mother the best treatment for her help.

Instead, Shang Xue became an innocent victim.

At this moment, she was wiping her tears on the hospital bed, "Ding Jun, it’s not that I said bad things about Su Mian behind my back. This is what she discussed with Xiao Liu, and she is killing me. She is jealous that Wei Zhenhui liked me, even though she and Wei Zhenhui Married, but you saw it, because Wei Zhenhui has me in her heart, she still refuses to let me go."

Shang Xue was expecting Ai Ai, although she knew that Wei Zhenhui didn't like her, but she told too many lies, she had to believe it.

She also didn't want to correct it.

Shang Xue cried and turned into tears.

Now it's not pretending, but really crying.

After all, as a doctor, it will be a problem for her to do research and experiment or take a scalpel in the future.

Ding Jun sympathized with her very much and sat quietly beside the chair of the hospital bed.

I don't know why, when he saw her tears, his heart twitched.

After all, she is so beautiful and as pure as Shishui Furong, so how could she encounter such a thing?

"What did the leader say?"

"They didn't dare to do anything to Su Mian, so they could only push all their mistakes to Xiao Liu. Su Mian was really lucky, who made the family the grandson-in-law of Chief Jiang." Shang Xue said, and she shed tears aggrievedly.

"No, I'm going to find the leader, this matter must be thoroughly investigated, how can I find someone to top the bag at random!" Ding Jun said that he was about to leave, and Shang Xue sat up and grabbed his arm.

Her hands were soft, and Ding Jun didn't move much when she grabbed his arm.

"Forget it. The leaders dare not do anything to her? What can we find out when we go? We have to lose a reputation for being unreasonable and unforgiving, and perhaps offend Chief Jiang." Shang Xue had to stop Ding Jun anyway. , If this matter becomes a big deal, she is really afraid that Xiao Liu has the courage to confess her.

"My hands are useless anyway. Now I only hope that the leader can arrange some theoretical research work for me!"

Shang Xue didn't make such a request casually.

What Ding Jun did was pure theoretical research, which was the highest level of research, one level higher than Su Mian.

Those who can do this degree of research should either be highly educated and have several years of clinical experience in major hospitals, such as Ding Jun.

There is also a well-known expert professor like Jing Xiangwan.

Shang Xue is obviously not qualified.

She looked at Ding Jun pitifully, and Ding Jun's heart immediately softened, "Well, since you don't want to find a leader, I will apply to the leader and let you be my assistant."

Shang Xue's eyes were bright, and she sniffed hard, "Is it really okay? But I don't have such a high degree of education!"

Saying that, I don't think so in my heart.

If Ding Jun can be an assistant, her job is much more advanced than Su Mian!

Maybe in the future, he can give Su Mian some advice, and he will just toss Su Mian out of the research institute at that time.

Thinking of this, Shang Xueqing couldn't help laughing.

She smiled beautifully, and there was a pear vortex on her lips, and Ding Jun was stunned all at once.

After a while nodded, "I will try my best to fight for you, but if Su Mian bullies you again in the future, you must tell me in time."

After speaking, she looked at Xiang Shang Xue's hands covered with gauze, her eyes were complicated.

Shang Xue's look is familiar and admiring. It seems that Ding Jun has been successfully captured by her!

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