The next day, the leader of the institute re-assigned Su Mian as assistants. Because of what happened that day, the leaders were extra cautious this time.

Although Chief Jiang did not take special care of him, they did not dare to take it lightly. The people selected this time were of reliable character.

Unexpectedly, there was a small problem, and the selected people were unwilling to go to Su Mian's laboratory.

"Oh, they are the grandson-in-law of Chief Jiang, we can't take care of it, so let's take our lives!"

"That is, she obviously knows that there is a problem with the disinfectant, and she pressed Shang Xue's hand in. We have to support the family!

"Leader, I have no grudges with you, can you change your personal pit!"

Everyone who pushed and shoved was obviously unwilling to do it under Su Mian's hands.

Su Mian didn't know who she was offending.

It's obvious that she is the victim, OK?

Shang Xue in the laboratory next door is not too happy. She is now working as an assistant for Ding Jun, and she is very relaxed every day.

Ding Jun is the kind of person who likes to do everything by himself. Even if she is by her side, she won't bother her. I don't know if it is considered that her hands have not fully recovered.

Therefore, Shang Xue is very satisfied with this job, that is, she doesn't have to do anything. When Ding Jun publishes the topic, she will sign her name.

Ding Jun stayed with Dr. M and published the topic. That was not a piece of cake. When the time comes, she will be waiting to rise up.

So seeing the embarrassment on Su Mian's side, Shang Xue was not too happy to mention it.

In the end, Zhang Xifeng couldn't stand it anymore, and directly applied to be Su Mian's assistant, and the whole institute exploded.

"Zhang Xifeng, are you stupid, others can't hide, she still leaned in front of Su Mian!"

"That's right, the next time it's abolished, it won't necessarily be the hand, maybe it's gone!"

"People are not stupid. Following Chief Jiang's grandson-in-law, there are opportunities for promotion. What is the small fortune teller?"


Su Mian didn't care about these rumors, she was worried that Zhang Xifeng was wronged.

Although Zhang Xifeng's level is not as high as Su Mian, she can bring her own laboratory with her ability in another year.

"Do you want to reconsider?" Su Mian raised her eyebrows and asked her. Although she asked, she had already led Zhang Xifeng into her laboratory.

Zhang Xifeng didn't take it seriously, "As long as you have a bit of a brain, you know what's going on. You think I'm as stupid as them, and they just wait for me to have a spicy drink with you, and regret it!"

"You are quite confident."

"Then of course, Su Mian, let me tell you, you must not despise me, I knew you were a genius doctor!"

Zhang Xifeng looked at me with a proud expression on my thigh, and Su Mian didn't know anything about her.

Just assigned to the research institute, Su Mian did not have any important topics.

The two were busy all morning, rearranging the laboratory, tidying up, and about to go outside when the phone rang.

Su Mian answered the phone.

"Su Mian, it's me." It was Liu Wenqing's voice.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"Bai Xue went home just now and said that her mother fainted. I think if you are not busy at noon, go and have a look." Liu Wenqing really thinks about others everywhere. After all, she has raised Jiang Yi for 26 years and treats Bai Xue as herself. Look at my wife, now that her mother is sick, she can't get there, so she can only let Su Mian go and have a look.

When Su Mian heard this, the corner of her eyebrows twitched, and she hung up the phone after saying good.

"I have something in the afternoon, please ask for a leave for me!" Su Mian took off his white coat and walked out.

Bai Xue's mother's tuberculosis has been cured, and it is unlikely that she will have symptoms of syncope.

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